Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Artdeco eyeshadows

I think I already wrote something about my love for these eyeshadows. Shade 245 is my favourite eyeshadow in my collection. I love how pigmented they are, their staying power (I currently use liquid foundation as a base and these eyeshadows last all day) and of course the incredible colour range Artdeco offers. However, the pans are so small and the amount of eyeshadow you get for a bit over 5 � is very little, plus they are so soft that a pan doesn't last you long. The pans are magnetized and Artdeco sells magnetic boxes in different sizes (mine is the largest size) to put in your eyeshadows. Eyeshadows come in these finishes: pearly, duocrome, matt, glamour (glitter) and frostly.
Mislim, da sem �e nekaj pisala o tem kako v�ec so mi ta sencila. Odtenek 245 je moja najljub�a sencka. So zelo pigmentirane in dolgoobstojne (trenutno imam za bazo kar tekoci puder in sencke ostanejo na mojih vekah cel dan). Izbira barv je ogromna in so na voljo v naslednjih fini�ih: perlaste, duocrome, mat, ble�cicaste in frosty. Sencila so zelo majhna, ter zato ker so zelo mehka ne trajajo dolgo, kar pa za nekaj cez 5 � ni njihova najbolj�a lastnost. Imajo magnetke in Artdeco ponuja magnetirane �katlice za sencila v razlicnih velikostih (moja je najvecja na voljo se mi zdi).

My collection consist of / Moja zbirka sestoji iz naslednjih odtenkov:
  • 03 pearly granite grey
  • 16 pearly light brown
  • 22 pearly golden caramel
  • 28 pearly porcelain
  • 34 pearly rose skin
  • 49 pearly moss green
  • 82 pearly smokey blue violet
  • 98 pearly antique lilac
  • 245 dark golden green (the most gorgeous eyeshadow ever, looks like UD 24/7 eyeliner in Stash)
  • 272 dark blue
  • 551 matt natural touch (great blending shade)
  • Blush is B08 an apricot shade.

Some of the rest of Artdeco eyeshadows:
Nekaj ostalih sencil od Artdeca:

And some more eyeshadows are is one of my previous post here.
Za �e nekaj slik sencil je v enem izmed mojih prej�njih objav klikni tukaj.

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