Senin, 25 April 2011

Review: La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Melt-In Cream 50+

Continuing with my reviews, next up is La Roche-Posay's sunscreen that I bought for my mother. I only used it a couple of times but I decided to write a review anyway. It's meant for sun intolerant skin and has a big shinny writing on the box that says Recommendation of 2011, so I guessed it must be good. The manufacturer claims it doesn't contain any parabens, it waterproof, has no fragrances and it's non comedogenic (it doesn't clog pores). It has a new filter system with UV filters caled Mexoryl SX and XL and it's suited for normal to dry skin.
The cream comes in a nice squeeze tube. The lid seemed a bit suspicious because I always had a feeling like I didn't close it properly. It's a slightly yellow, relatively thick cream with a faint classical sunscreen scent. I applied about a 1/4 tea spoon of cream on my face. You have to rub it in quickly because it sinks in fast.
It didn't leave any white marks whatsoever, but it did leave a slight shine and for the first couple of minutes it felt a bit sticky. I then continued with applying my regular products: Clinique Pore Minimizer and Lancome Color Ideal foundation. I didn't feel like I need to powder it. It didn't look completely mat but slightly dewy, but I'm not that fussy about a bit of shine anyway. It feels very comfortable on the skin, you don't even feel like you have anything on. It didn't clog my pores, but as I said I only wore it a couple of times and I rarely stumble on a product that clogs my pores. At the end of the day my make up looked fine, as if I didn't add anything into my routine. 
It's great sunscreen with a great sun protection, I would suggest this one for people with dry to normal and combination skin (I suspect that those with oily skin might find it a bit to shinny. I bought it for 14-15�.

Nadaljujem s svojimi ocenami in naslednja na vrsti je soncna krema od La Roche-Posay. Sicer sem jo kupila za mami in sem jo sama uporabila le nekajkrat, ampak sem se vseeno odlocila napisati oceno. Namenjena je netoleratni ko�i in ljudem, ki trpijo za alergijo na sonce. Vsebuje nov filterni sistem, ki zdru�uje UV filtra Mexoryl SX in XL. Proizvajalec pravi da je najprimernej�a za suho in normalno ko�o, ne vsebuje di�av, parabenov, je izjemno vodoodporna in ni komedogena (ne ma�i por).
Krema je pakirana v prirocni tubi, pokrovcek se mi je zdel sumljiv, ker sem vsakic imela obcutek, da je nisem dobro zaprla. Sama krema je zelo svetlo rumene barve in kar gosta z rahlim klasicni vonjem po soncnih kremah. Na obraz sem nanesla priporoceno kolicino 1/4 cajne �licke. Mazati jo je treba kar hitro, ker se hitro vpije in potem prsti kar malo bremzajo po ko�i. Ni pustila nobenih belih sledov, sem pa opazila rahel sijaj in pa prvih nekaj minut je ko�a bila malo lepljiva. Nato sem nadaljevala z mojo obicajno rutino: Clinique-ov Pore Minimizer in Lancome Color Ideal tekocim pudrom. Ni sem mi zdelo, da rabim uporabiti puder v kamnu, ceprav ni izgledalo kompletno mat, ampak mene rahel sijaj sploh ne moti. Cez dan sploh nima� obcutka, da ima� soncno kremo (kot pri navadnih naprimer, pac tisti masten obcutek). Ni mi ma�ila pore, ampak sem jo nosila le nekajkrat, pa tudi redkokateri izdelek mi ma�i pore. Cel dan je mejkap izgledal popolnoma ok.
Meni se zdi odlicna soncna krema s super za�cito. Nazadnje ko sem imela soncno kremo s za�cito 50+ (se mi zdi da je bila od M�llerja) sem bila bela kot stena, tako da tole je velik korak naprej. Meni se zdi najbolj primerna za suho, normalno in me�ano ko�o, tistim z mastno ko�o se bo morda zdela prete�ka in da pusti prevec sijaja. Kupila sem jo v Lekarni Ljubljana (City Park) za nekaj cez 14�. 

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