Senin, 18 April 2011

Review: Lush H'Suan Wen Hua

This is one one those products I'm not quite sure if I really need it. I does have an nice effect on my hair, but I don't find it worth 5� per use plus putting up with the incredibly strong scent. First off something about my hair: I have very long (a bit over the half of the back), thick, curly, frizzy and very dry hair. I used a half of pot for the entire length of my hair (It's applied on dry hair as a pre-wash treatment) and I massaged some in my scalp and it was barely enough. I know it says to use the whole pot, but I'm sorry there only so much that my hair can absorb, I'm not wasting any product. Just an advice, hold your hair over the sink or tub when you're applying it because it's quite runny and slippery. So about the scent. It's really, really strong. I smell clove mixed with a bit of cinnamon and some other herbs. Personally I'm not particularity fond of the scent of clove and I found it a bit difficult to put up with the scent. I left it on for about an hour and a half. When I rinsed my hair it was basically a very tangled mess. I then used Nivea Pure Gloss Anti-Dandruff shampoo and my trusted Garnier Fructis Oil Repair mask and finished of with John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shine Shock. I let my hair dry naturally (btw the scent gets on the pillow to). They are more shinny and definitely softer, the scent is still present but it's mild. They're not as tangled as usual but apart from the shine they just look like the same curly, frizzy mess as always. I still need to use some heating tools or tie them in a bun over the night to make them presentable. A pot costs 11� which is way to expensive considering I get two uses from it. I do like the effect and I think it's a nice product, but I just can't put up with the smell and the price is too high. I'm sticking with my regular regime, anti-dandruff shampoo and Fructis Oil Repair mask or John Frieda Brilliant Brunette conditioner, it works just fine.

To je eden izmed tistih izdelkov za katerega ne vem ce me je res preprical. Ima zadovoljiv efekt na laseh ampak se mi enostavno ne zdi vreden 5 � na uporabo plus tega ima �e neverjetno mocen vonj. Moji lasje so zelo dolgi (do sredine hrbta), gosti, kodrati, frizzy in zelo suhi. Za celotno dol�ino las sem porabila pol loncka, malo se jo �e vmasirala v lasi�ce. Pol loncka je bilo skoraj premalo, ceprav pi�e, da naj bi porabila cel loncek ga dejansko nima smisla ker lasje pac ne morejo posrkat toliko maske in dejansko vr�e� pol maske stran. Maska je zelo tekoca in nekako sluzasta, zato je bolje ce jo nana�a� nad umivalnikom ali banjo. Kar se vonja tice, kot sem �e rekla je izjemno mocan. Jaz voham klincke (nageljnove �bice) zme�ane z malo cimeta in drugimi zeli�ci. Meni osebno vonj klinckov ne odgovarja in sem vonj kar malo te�ko prena�ala. Na laseh sem jo pustila okrog ure in pol. Ko sem jo sprala so bili lasje zelo zavozlani. Nadaljevala sem z Nivejinim Pure Gloss �amponom proti prhljaju, Garnierjevo Oil Repair masko in John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shine Shock. Lase sem pustila da so se posu�ili naravno (btw blazina na kateri spite se bo navzela vonja maske). Lasje so mehkej�i in se bolj svetijo, vonj je �e prisoten ampak je bolj mil. Lasje se mi ne zdijo tako zavozlani kot so ponavadi, ampak razen sijaja izgledajo tako kot ponavadi, zavozlana, frizzy zme�njava. �e vedno rabim ravnalec ali kodralnik ali pa jih pustiti v figi cez noc da izgledajo ok. Loncek stane 11� kar je predrago glede na to da ga bom imela le za dvakrat. V�ec mi je efekt in se mi zdi v redu maska, ampak jaz enostavno ne maram vonja in cena je veliko previsoka. Ostajam pri moji obicajni rutini, �ampon proti prhljaju in mojima dvema maskama Oil Repair in John Frieda Brilliant Brunette.

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