Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Deborah Atomic Red 09 and a Small Haul

I recently swatched most of the Atomic Red lipsticks from Deborah. This week I purchased a shade numbered 09. It a light pink with slight beige tones (on my lips almost a medium pink) with a cream finish. It's very creamy (unfortunately so creamy it settles in lines) and moisturising  It lasts long on the lips. The most similar shade I used to own is Jing-a-ling by Benefit, however this is a warm pink while Jing-a ling has blue undertones. It is also very similar to Runway pink by E.l.f., but 09 is darker.
Pred kratkim se swatchala vecino Deborinih Atomic Red �mink, sama sem kasneje kupila odtenek �tevilka 09. Je svetlo roza z nekaj be� toni z kremnim fini�em, zelo vla�ilna in precej obstojna. Na �alost je tako kremna, da se vsede v ''gubice'' ustnic, ampak je vseeno zelo dobra �minka v primerjavi z ostalimi za podobno ceno, ki se dobijo v Sloveniji. Od �mink, ki sem jih imela, je najbolj podobna Benefitovi Jing-a-ling in E.l.f.-ovi Runway pink (od slednje je temnej�a). Kupila sem jo v M�llerju za 8,59�.

In other news, I found a potential dupe for Mac's Hue lipstick (my favourite shade ever!). It's called True lip colour in shade 47 by Make up Factory (German high-end brand, I think it's only sold in M�ller). It's really, really similar. I think it about 14-15�, which is (if I remember correctly) cheaper than a Mac lipstick in Austria. I have pictures where I compared the two, but they turned out bad, so here a picture just with MUF 47.
Na�la sem nadomestek za Macovo Hue (moja najljub�a �minka ever) in to v M�llerju. Gre za True lip color �minko v odtenku 47 od Make up Factory. Je izjemno podobna Macovi Hue in �e cenej�a, kot ce bi jo �la kupit v Avstrijo, stane nekje 14-15�. Ko mi zmanjka Hue jo bom sigurno kupila.

I also purchased some falsies from Essence and a 15 ml bottle of Jean-Paul Grand fragrance called My Love purple.
Kupila sem �e par umetnih trepalnic od Essence in 15 ml steklenicko parfuma My Love vijola od Jean-Paul Grand.

I think My Love is the name of the collection of 4 fragrances (all are 15 ml). All were very nice (I might be purchasing another one), the light blue one is very similar to Miss Dior Cherie. The dark purple one that I bought is sort of similar to Marine Groove by Escada (my favourite fragrance). So far I've seen them only in M�ller. And they are really cheap, a mere 3� per bottle.
Kolikor mi uspelo videti je My Love neka kolekcija 4 parfumov (vsi po 15 ml), ne vem ce je omejena, sem jih pa videla v M�llerju. Stanejo po 3�, temno vijolicni, ki sem ga kupila je malo podoben Escadinem Marine Groove (moj najljub�i parfum). Svetlo moder se mi je zdel zelo podoben Miss Dior Cherie. Meni vsi zelo lepo di�ijo, mogoce kupim �e kak�nega.

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