Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Max Factor Color Collection Lipsticks

The range of colours may be large, but none of the shades appeal to me. I actually bought one years ago, but I sold it within a week. It was the shade 640 called Soft Suede and it looked so much pinker and lighter under the deceiving shop's lights.These are very pigmented, in fact they stained my hand. Seriously not even with soap the colours didn't wash of completely. Most of the shades are frosty, which I profoundly dislike, I think only the red shades don't have any shimmer. The red shades (812, 820) are actually really pretty. I think this is the first time I've seen a copper shade of lipstick (which btw looks as horrible as it sounds), I doubt shades 770 and 775 look good on anyone (they marked them here as appropriate for darker skin tones). If you like really light, nude shades, you won't find any here, especially if you're as pale as I am. All in all another completely unappealing range of shades for me, but quality-wise I remember them being quite long lasting. If you like frosty lipsticks this just might be the range for you.

�e ena linija �mink, katere odtenki se mi niti pribli�no ne dopadejo. Enkrat sem celo eno kupila, sicer je bilo to leta nazaj, pa �e prodala sem jo skoraj takoj. Odtenek je bil 640 Soft Suede, ki je seveda izgledal kompletno drugace v trgovini pod mocnimi lucmi, kot v naravni svetlobi. �minke so zelo pigmentirane, dejansko mi jih �e z milom ni uspelo popolnoma odstraniti (rdeci odtenki se �e vedno poznajo na roki, pa je �e pol dneva mimo). Velika vecina odtenkov ima frosty fini� (kar mi ni niti malo v�ec), se mi zdi da samo rdeci odtenki (812, 820) nimajo nobenega (vidnej�ega) �imra, slednja odtenka sta meni zelo lepa. Izbor vsebuje tudi dva bakrena odtenka (770, 775), ki sta za moje pojme brca v temo, komu taka odtenka pristajata mi �e ni cisto jasno (sta pa oznacena kot primerna za temnej�e polti). Ce so vam bolj v�ec kak�ni svetlej�i odtenki, jih tu pravzaprav ni, �e posebej ce ste tako svetli kot jaz (640 je na meni izgledala zelo temno roza). Za moj okus kompletno brezvezen nabor odtenkov, kar se pa kvalitete tice se jih spomnim kot precej obstojne.

Here is an ancient picture of Soft suede, the packaging is quite nice:
I hope this post was helpful and thanks for looking!

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