Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Essence Lipsticks in 44 This Is Me And 45 Almost Famous

^A picture of yesterdays haul.Slika vceraj�njega nakupa.

Essence lipsticks are medium pigmented and very moisturizing. They feel more like tinted lip balms (however much more pigmented than Nivea's Labello). Some colours are shimmery, some are not, I prefer the non-shimmery ones. Almost Famous is a non-shimmery bright red and This Is Me is a bright pink also without shimmer. Both are extremely wearable colours.
�minke od Essence so srednje prekrivne in zelo vla�ilne. Meni se zdijo kot obarvani balzami za ustnice (vseeno so veliko bolj pigmentirane kot Nivejine Labelle). Nekatere barve imajo ble�cice, nekatere ne, obe �minki spodaj nimata ble�cic. Almost Famous je �ivo rdeca in This Is Me je �ivo roza. Kljub temu da izgledata zelo �ivo v tubi, na ustnicah izpadeta zelo nosljivo.

Essence nail polish in 63 Purple Cherry is a dark purple with cream finish.
Essence lak za nohte 63 Purple Cherry je temno vijola s kremnim fini�em.

And some pictures of the rest of the haul/�e slike ostalih stvari:

Both shower gels have a tropical scent (I love tropical scents), Palmolive's scent is more fresh, while Fa's is more sweet.
Oba tu� gela di�ita tropsko (obo�ujem tropske vonje), Palmolivov di�i bolj sve�e kot Fa-jev. Fa-jev je bolj sladek.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Just a Small Haul

  • Schwarzkopf got2b guardian angel heat protection spray
  • Essence matt top coat
  • Essence nail fashion stickers in 05 light forever
  • Ducray Selegel Shampoo
And here are some more pictures:

 Perhaps this is a bit of a ambitious purchase, I think application of the stickers is going to be a real pain.

I tester this one over my current manicure and I love it. (Not the best picture of the result is in the pictures of nail stickers. Btw my mani inspiration was from the lovely Parokeets blog post :) )

I only tested how it's scented, and it reminds me of some perfume, but I can't pinpoint which one. Anyway it smells lovely, kind of fruity-floral.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Isadora Cream Gloss Stylo

Just some swatches of Isadora's lipsticks I recently discovered. They are a mix between a lipstick and a gloss. Number 13 is just gorgeous, a milky, baby pink.
Samo nekaj swatchev Isadorinih �mink, ki sem jih odkrila �ele nedavno. So neka me�anica med �minko in lipglosom. �tevilka 13 mi je cudovita.

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Haul - Urban Decay Naked Palette and Mac Viva Gaga Lipglass + Swatches

I finally have them! Yay! Both parcels came on Monday and I was only able to come home on Friday (It's been a long week, believe me). 

Urban Decay Naked Palette

It contains 12 full size eyeshadows. Most are shimmery, a couple are mat and some have a satin finish. A double sided eyeliner is also included, the colours are Zero (black) and Whiskey (brown). You also receive a small Primer potion. All colours are very pigmented, shimmery colours seem to be a bit softer. Eyeliners are fantastic, creamy, very pigmented, with amazing staying power. UD eyeliners are my favourites, I think I have 4 other colours (Stash is my absolute favourite eyeliner).
Paletka vsebuje 12 sencil, vecina ima ble�cice, nekaj jih je mat in nekaj satinastih. Zraven je prilo�en �e dvojni eyeliner in mali Primer Potion. Vse barve so zelo pigmentirane, �imraste sencke se mi zdijo bolj mehke od ostalih. Eyelinerja sta super, Urban Decay-evi eyelinerji so moji najljub�i, imam �e 4 druge, Stash je moj najljub�i.

Mac Viva Gaga Lipglass

I already had Gaga lipstick (swatched here), so naturally I had to get a matching lipglass too. Lipglass is a bit more lilac than the lipstick. As all lipglasses it's very pigmented, thick and sticky.
Od prej imam �e Gaga �minko (slike tukaj), za�elela sem si pa �e lipgloss. Je malo bolj vijola kot �minka. Kot vsi Maco-vi lipglassi je zelo pigmentiran, gost in lepljiv.

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Ysl Lipsticks and Manhattan Nail Stickers

I went on a search for the elusive YSL Rouge Pur lipstick in 148. Unfortunately I couldn't find it, which is funny because they had it in May. However, I swatched some other lighter shades they have, none strikes me as particularly interesting, perhaps 146 is the closest to my type of shades.

Ysl Rouge Pur 146, 141 and 26 (Shine), Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Ming:

Manhattan Metalic Chains Nail Stickers from Spice Up Your Nails Collection:

Aren't these cool? I just had to have them.

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Artdeco eyeshadows

I think I already wrote something about my love for these eyeshadows. Shade 245 is my favourite eyeshadow in my collection. I love how pigmented they are, their staying power (I currently use liquid foundation as a base and these eyeshadows last all day) and of course the incredible colour range Artdeco offers. However, the pans are so small and the amount of eyeshadow you get for a bit over 5 � is very little, plus they are so soft that a pan doesn't last you long. The pans are magnetized and Artdeco sells magnetic boxes in different sizes (mine is the largest size) to put in your eyeshadows. Eyeshadows come in these finishes: pearly, duocrome, matt, glamour (glitter) and frostly.
Mislim, da sem �e nekaj pisala o tem kako v�ec so mi ta sencila. Odtenek 245 je moja najljub�a sencka. So zelo pigmentirane in dolgoobstojne (trenutno imam za bazo kar tekoci puder in sencke ostanejo na mojih vekah cel dan). Izbira barv je ogromna in so na voljo v naslednjih fini�ih: perlaste, duocrome, mat, ble�cicaste in frosty. Sencila so zelo majhna, ter zato ker so zelo mehka ne trajajo dolgo, kar pa za nekaj cez 5 � ni njihova najbolj�a lastnost. Imajo magnetke in Artdeco ponuja magnetirane �katlice za sencila v razlicnih velikostih (moja je najvecja na voljo se mi zdi).

My collection consist of / Moja zbirka sestoji iz naslednjih odtenkov:
  • 03 pearly granite grey
  • 16 pearly light brown
  • 22 pearly golden caramel
  • 28 pearly porcelain
  • 34 pearly rose skin
  • 49 pearly moss green
  • 82 pearly smokey blue violet
  • 98 pearly antique lilac
  • 245 dark golden green (the most gorgeous eyeshadow ever, looks like UD 24/7 eyeliner in Stash)
  • 272 dark blue
  • 551 matt natural touch (great blending shade)
  • Blush is B08 an apricot shade.

Some of the rest of Artdeco eyeshadows:
Nekaj ostalih sencil od Artdeca:

And some more eyeshadows are is one of my previous post here.
Za �e nekaj slik sencil je v enem izmed mojih prej�njih objav klikni tukaj.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Tinted Lip Balms - Labello

As promised in my Max Factor post, here are my Nivea tinted lip balms.

Kot sem �e obljubila v objavi o Max Factor-ju, sem poslikala moje obarvane Labelle.

Pomegranate and dragonfruit are not so similar in person as it might appear on the pictures. Dragonfruit is really pink, while pomegranate is dark red. Strawberry is red-coral shade. They all smell amazing.

Pomegranate in dragonfruit si nista tako podobna kot izgleda na slikah. Dragoinfruit je roza, pomegranate je temno rdec. Strawberry je rdece-koralne barve. Vsi di�ijo cudovito.

I just love the shade of this gloss. It's a gorgeous pinky coral with micro gold shimmer.

Obo�ujem barvo tega glosa. Je cudovite roza-koralne barve z mikro zlatim �imrom.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Some Revlon Pics

ColorBurst lipsticks:

V Iliriji imajo pri Revlonu stojalo z novimi ColorBurst �minkami (mislim, da jih v M�llerju �e ni). Ce se prav spomnim je na voljo 16 odtenkov. Cena se giblje nekje okrog 9�.

�e nekaj iz Ilirije:

CSwSF je 1�, ampak samo �tevilka 110 Ivory, ki je najsvetlej�i odtenek. Sama sem ta odtenek �e enkrat imela, pa je bil prerozast. Revlonovi eyelinerji (luxuirous color, tisti z gobico) so 3�. 

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Haul Deborah and Manhattan

Deborah Kohl Kajal

It's a part of a new Deborah collection, the name of which eluded me. It's very pigmented, easy to smudge and it never needs sharpening. However it was about 10 �, which is very expensive, considering that Sleek makeup sells the same thing for �3.99.

Kohl je del nove kolekcije od Deborah, katere ime se ne spomnim (lol). Je prvi eyeliner take oblike pri nas, vsaj kolikor sem jaz na tekocem. Je zelo pigmentiran, se ga lahko zabri�e in ga ni potrebno �iliti. Bil je 10 �, Sleek (britanska znamka) ima enak eyeliner za 4 funte.

Izropana Deborah polica v M�llerju (Copova) :
Manhattan Tender Touch
Manhattan Tender Touch swatches
I bought 2 of the Mat Lipcreams named 56K and 45H (95G is a beige-brown colour, which is soo not my colour):

These are GORGEOUS. They are supposed to be lip glosses, however, they feel more like liquid lipsticks. They provide a full-coverage, mat colour with amazing lasting power. They have a very strong sweet scent, which reminds me of banana yoghurt  Give them a try if you have a chance, because they are amazing. They were about 7� each.
Ti glosi so CUDOVITI. So bolj kot tekoce �minke, polnoprekrivni in majo mat fini�, ter so izjemno obstojni. Imajo zelo mocen sladek vonj, ki me �e najbolj spominja na bananin jogurt. Ce imate mo�nost in jih definitivno preizkusite, so vredne tistih 6-7 �.