Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

My Current Hair Care

I have long, curly, dry, stubborn hair that hate rainy days and give me much trouble with trying to tame them (usually my only weapons are hair straightener or curler). I also have severe dandruff for some time now. I tried much of the products  available here in Slovenia, from Oronazol , Fitoval (neither of the two was particularity effective), Vichy (the old packaging, worked very well for the first time, but didn't work the second time I purchased it), Lavera Cornflower (horrible, my scalp itched like crazy after using it, plus it really stinks, a very annoying herbal smell) and the list continues on and on.  I purchased Ducray Selegel for dry dandruff 6 weeks ago and I just finished the treatment. It worked ok, it's not miraculous but it's a significant improvement in terms of sensitivity of the scalp, however dandruff is still here. It's recommended to continue the treatment with Ducray Elution, which I used once so far, so I can't review it fully.
Imam dolge, zelo suhe, kodraste lase, katere je skoraj nemogoce ukrotiti brez uporabe ravnalca ali kodralnika. �e posebej imajo radi de�evno vreme, takrat imajo frizz party, lol. V zadnjih letih imam ogromne probleme s prhljajem. Poskusila sem ogromno �amponov na voljo v Sloveniji od Oronazola, Fitovala (oba precej neucinkovita), Vichy (staro pakiranje, ta je pomagal prvic, ko se ga uporabljala, ko sem kupila drugo pakungo efekta ni bilo vec), Lavero plavica (grozen, lasi�ce me je grozno srbelo po uporabi, pa �e njegovega zeli�cnega vonja ne prena�am najbolje), itd... �est tednov nazaj sem kupila Ducray Selegel za suh prhljaj in sem ravnokar zakljucila s kuro. Je kar efektiven, ni sicer cude�en, je pa precej�no izbolj�anje kar se tice obcutljivosti lasi�ca, samo prhljaj ni izginil. Priporoceno je nadaljevati  z �amponom Elution od iste znamke (do zdaj sem ga uporabila le enkrat, tako da kak�ne konkretne ocene ne morem podati).

 My favourite conditoners/masks/treatments are: 
TBS Honey Conditioner � My absolute favorite, very moisturizing and effective. Gorgeous sweet smell (marzipan?). Of course they discontinued it, plus it wasn't available here in Slovenia, since we don't have TBS. /Moj najljub�i balzam. Super nahrani lase pa �e di�i lepo (mogoce po marcipanu?). Seveda je �el iz prodaje, itak se ga pa ni dalo kupiti v Sloveniji. 
Fructis Oil Repair mask � I think I repurchased it four times in an row by now. Great mask, again very moisturising, nice fruity smell. Really lovely product./ To masko sem kupila �e 4. zapored. Ena izmed najbolj�ih mask, je zelo hranilna, di�i enako kot vsi fructisovi izdelki �sadno. Res super za svojo ceno 
      John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shine Release conditioner  � I discovered this conditioner a couple of months ago and I recently purchased a second bottle. I haven't noticed any extra shine or even that it would enhance my hair colour, but the hair feel very silky after using it. The scent reminds me of a mixture of coconut and a generic shampoo scent. / Ta balzam sem prvic kupila nekaj mesecev nazaj, zdaj imam �e drugo tubo. Po njem so lasje zelo svileni, nisem pa opazila kak�nega posebno mocnega sijaja ali pa da bi poudaril barvo las (kot trdi proizvajalec), meni je vseeno zelo v�ec. Vonj me spominja na me�anico kokosa in nekega tipicnega vonja �amponov.

For my ends I currently use Orofluido, a silicon-oil, which contains argan, cyperus and linseed oil. It's heavily scented, but I can't smell it anymore the next day on my hair. It's an oriental scent with most prominent notes amber and vanilla. It looks really luxurious and it quite greasy. The amount you receive is huge, the bottle holds 100ml, which lasts you a long time. It a decent products, one of the better ones I tried.

Za konice trenutno uporabljam Orofluido, ki ne nekak�na me�anica olj (vsebuje arganovo, cyperusovo (ne cipresino) in lanenino olje) in silikonov. Di�i parfumsko, orientalski vonj baziran na jantarju in vaniliji,  jaz vonja drugi dan ne zaznam vec na laseh. Je precej mastno in gosto, super za moje suhe lase. Kolicina je ogromna, steklenicka vsebuje 100 ml izdelka, kar traja kar nekaj casa. Olje mi je kar v�ec, je eden izmed bolj�ih silikonov, ki sem jih preizkusila. 

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