Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Manhattan, Lush, L'Occitane

Manhattan Magic Duo eyeshadow in Chrystal Plum is a part of LE called Diamonds are a Girls... I love, love, love the darker colour (darkened plum) and they are both really pigmented, but staying power is incredibly poor (no matter what I use underneath). It starts fading so fast, what a pity. The plum eyeshadow is matte, the lighter pinkish eyeshadow has some sparkles.
Sencilo je del Manhattanove omejene kolekcije imenovane Diamonds are a Girls... Temnej�a, slivova sencka mi je izjemno v�ec, vendar pa kljub temu da sta precej pigmentirani, sta zelo neobstojni in hitro zbledita, pa ni va�no kaj uporabim pod sencko. �koda. Temnej�a sencka je mat, svetlej�a ima nekaj ble�cic.

I went to Lush a couple of week ago, because I really wanted one of their bubble bars. I chose the one from their Christmas collection. It's called Candy Cane in it smell exactly as the Snow Fairy shower gel and Cream Candy bubble bar (smells something like a bubble gum). I wanted to make the most of it, so I cut it in 4 pieces. I used one when I took my bath and it turned out that was simply to little, there was almost no foam. I guess you can't really can't be stingy with this one.
Nekaj tednov nazaj sem obiskala Lush, ker sem si res za�elela eno izmed njihovih penecih kopeli. Vzela sem Candy Cane iz bo�icne kolekcije in di�i enako kot snow Fair tu� gel ali Cream Candy peneca kopel (nekako po cugimijih). Hotela sem jo imeti za cim veckrat, zato sem jo narezala na 4 dele, pa se je izkazalo da cetrtina ni dovolj. Pene je bilo zelo malo, drugic bom uporabila vec. �koda, ker je precej draga, ce jo ima� lahko samo za 2x.

L'Occitane Almond Shower oil is one of my favourite products of all time. The scent is absolutely gorgeous, I can't help myself not sniffing it all the time. Oh, if only there was a fragrance with such scent. Too bad it's so expensive (16,50 �), but it's worth every cent. It's an oil that when applied on wet skin, transforms into a thick foam. The scent lingers on the skin for quite some time, I do still smell it in the morning.
L'Occitanovo mandljevo olje za tu�iranje je eden izmed mojih najljub�ih izdelkov ever. Di�i absolutno bo�ansko, ne morem ga nekah ovohavat. �koda, da je tako drag (16,50�), ampak je vreden vsaj zaradi vonja. Olje se spremeni v gosto peno, ko ga nasemo na mokro ko�o. Vonj se obdr�i kar nekaj casa.

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