Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliners

I ordered a couple of things from Avon: two SuperShock gel eyeliners in black and plumful. The black one is absolutely the blackest eyeliner I ever tried and it has  fantastic staying power. It literally doesn't budge after it dries, which takes about half a minute, but blends nicely before it dries. Plumful is a nice plum colour, also very pigmented and soft, but the black one's performance is more impressive in my opinion. I seriously recommend these, however I heard these aren't the most suitable for contact wearers.

Narocila sem nekaj stvari preko Avona in sicer 2 SuperShock gel eyelinerja v crni in slivovi barvi imenovani Plumful. Crn je absolutno najbolj crn eyeliner kar sem jih imela in je neverjetno obstojen. Ko se posu�i, kar traja kak�ne pol minute, ga ne more� zbrisat z navadnim robckom (�e z vla�nim ga je zelo te�ko). Plumful je tudi zelo mehek in pigmentiran, vseeno mi je crn ljub�i. Oba res priporocam (crn je a must), sem pa sli�ala da niso najbolj�i za uporabnice lec, menda se primejo na lece.

Swatches of the two. The second picture is after I tried to remove it with a tissue (about a minute after I applied it).

Swatchi obeh. Na drugi sliki se ju slikala potem, ko sem ju posku�ala odstraniti z robckom (potem, ko sta se posu�ila). Crnega je treba hitro zabrisati, �e preden se posu�i, ce �elite bolj mehko crto.

Another thing I ordered was Clear Skin Pore Penetrating scrub, which I used to have in the old formulation, which was in my opinion way better than the new one. It smells minty,  the beads are medium sized (old formulation has bigger beads, which I loved). Still a decent scrub, I like it.

Druga stvari, ki sem jo narocila je Clear Skin Pore Penetrating piling. Vcasih se ta piling imela �e v stari embala�i, preden so prenovili celo kolekcijo, in mi je bil tisti bolj v�ec. Di�i mentolasto, je tudi take barve, zrnca so srednje velika (stari je imel vecja zrnca in mi je bil zato bolj v�ec). Vseeno je zelo dober piling, meni je v�ec.

And my yesterday's purchase L'Oreal Color Riche Serum in S100 Satin Pink. I already swatched this one a couple of month ago (swatches can be found here). It's really moisturizing, has good pigmentation, staying power is ok (but it can't compare to Manhattan's soft mat creams), but it's to expensive for drugstore lippie (12,5�).

Vceraj sem si koncno privo�cila �e L'Oreal Color Riche Serum in S100 Satin Pink. To �minko sem �e slikala na ustnicah, slike so tukaj. Je pa precej vla�ilna, dobro pigmentirana in nekje srednje obstojna (Manhattanov-i Soft Mat Cream-i so mi dvignili standard :) ). Je kar draga, stane 12,5�.

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