Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Haul - Manhattan and Alverde

Manhattan Soft Mat Cream in 54L

I couldn't resist buying another one of Manhattan's Soft Mat Creams. I just adore them (I previously raved about them here and here). So here are swatches of 54L, which is a dusty rose colour. Isn't it gorgeous?

Nisem se mogla upreti, da ne bi kupila �e enega izmed Manhattan Soft Mat Cream-ov. Obo�ujem jih, o njih sem pisala �e tukaj in tukaj. Evo �e slike odtenka 54L, ki je temno roza. A ni lep?

Alverde Gel-Eyeliner 046  Mareike

Alverde recently released LE called My Best Friend which includes several gel eyeliners, lipsticks, eyeliner brush and eyeshadow palettes. I bought eyeliner brush (second one, I like this brush a lot) and eyeliner in the shade 046 Mareike, which is a petrol blue. Consistency is really weird, hair gel like. I hard to apply it nice. I thought the staying power will be an issue, but it drys fast and it stays on reasonably well. The colour is so pretty, but if I knew what the consistency's like, I probably wouldn't buy it.

Alverde je pred kratkim postavil na police novo omejeno kolekcijo imenovano My Best Friend, ki vsebuje gel eyelinerje, �minke, paletke s sencili in copic za eyeliner. Kupila sem �e drugi copic (meni je zelo v�ec) in gel eyeliner v odtenku 046 Mareike, ki je petrolno modre barve. Je pa zelo cudne konsistence, nekako tak kot gel za lase. Ravno zato sem sumila, da ne bo obstojen, pa se zacuda hitro posu�i in tam tudi ostane. Vseeno je te�ko naredi lepo crto. Barva je lepa, vseeno pa ga verjetno ne bi kupila, ce bi vedela kak�en je. 

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