Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Bourjois Sweet Kiss Lipsticks

I already swatched the Sweet Kiss Natural lipsticks and here are swatches of the regular Sweet Kiss line (the ones in the dark violet packaging). A couple are missing because they don't sell them here. I don't own any of the colour, I don't find any of them particularity appealing. If you're looking for a good tomato red lipstick 56 is a good choice. It's also the most pigmented of the bunch. 41 and 42 aren't as pigmented as the others and most contain light shimmer. The picture was taken outdoors in the sun like most of my pictures.
Slike Sweet Kiss Naturel �mink sem �e objavila, zdaj sem poslikala �e navadno Sweet Kiss linijo (s temno vijola pokrovckom). Drugje je na voljo 12 odtenkov, pri nas sem jih na�la 9. Sama nimam nobene Bourjoisove �minke, tako da ne morem podati ocene o kvaliteti, sicer pa mi noben odtenek ni kaj pretirano v�ec. Moti me da ima vecina odtenkov rahel �imer (najraje imam mat �minke, pac zgledajo najbolj naravno). Ce i�cete lepo �ivo, retro rdeco je 56 odlicen odtenek, je tudi najbolj pigmentiran v tej liniji. 41 in 42 sta najmanj pigmentirana, bolj pride do izraza �imer kot barva. Slikala sem na soncu, tako kot vecino mojih slik.

Hope these are helpful. Do you like any of the shade?
Upam, da vam ti swatchi kaj pomagajo. Je vam kak�en odtenek v�ec?

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