Minggu, 26 September 2010


I�ve already posted swatches of 2 red lipglosses, Essence Lunch at Cullen�s and Alverde 222 Rose Fantasy (Click), and here is the rest of my team red:

Objavila sem �e slike 2 mojih rdecih glosov, Essence Lunch at Cullen�s in Alverde 222 Rose Fantasy (klik). Tu so �e ostali:

Manhattan Long Lasting Gloss Glide # 531

I�ve been neglecting this little baby. It�s such a pretty bright red with silver shimmer, I just love the colour. It�s quite thick, slightly sticky and very pigmented.  Staying power is actually quite good. The packaging is so cute, a small squared tube with 5 ml of product. The smell is a bit plasticy. It costs a bit over 6 �.

Tale glos sem kar malo zanemarjala. Je cudovite �ivo rdece barve z srebrnim �imrom, res lep. Precej gost, malo lepljiv in zelo pigmentiran. Je pravzaprav precej obstojen. Embala�a je lu�kana mala kvadratasta tubica, ki vsebuje 5 ml izdelka. Glos di�i malo po plastiki. Stane nekaj cez 6 �.

Essence Creamylicious 02 Raspberry Smoothie

This one was a part of TE called Creamylicious. It�s a sheer raspberry red with no shimmer.

Bil je del TE Creamylicious. Je rahlo prekrivna malinasto rdeca brez ble�cic.

Hawaian Tropic Island Berry

Is a bright red in the tube, but it�s very sheer on the lips and adds just a touch of colour. It smells divine, very sweet and fruity, like some sort of berries. It also tastes sweet, but is has this horrible plastic aftertaste. It has a spf 25 (UVA&UVB). The tube is massive, it packs a generous amount of 20 ml. It costs around 5 �.

V tubi gleda �ivo rdec, na ustnicah pa le malenkost obarva. Di�i cudovito sladko-sadno, po nekih jagodah. Okus je sladek, ampak se potem zacuti tak grozen plasticen okus. Ima spf 25 (UVA&UVB). Tuba je ogromna, vsebuje radodarnih 20 ml. Kupila sem ga v DM-u za okrog 5 �.

Nyx Jumbo Lip Pencil Deep Red
My favourite red.  It�s a darker red with no shimmer, but looks a bit glossy. Very easy to apply, very creamy, not dry at all. A little goes a long way, I only have to colour in my lower lip and then press them together. Great staying power.

Absolutno moja naljub�a rdeca. Je temnej�a rdeca brez �imra, ampak kar malo glosasta. Zelo lahko jo je nanesti, je zelo kremna in niti najmanj suha. Potrebno jo je nanesti zelo malo, saj je zelo pigmentirana. Jaz jo nanesem le na spodnjo ustnico, potem pa pritisnem ustnice skupaj. Je super obstojna.

Artdeco High Rouge #10

It�s really pigmented, dry and hard to apply (hence the horrible swatch). I just dab it on the lips. It�s more of a brown red, quite dark. Not one of my favourites.

Je zelo pigmentirana, suha in jo je zelo te�ko nanesti. Jaz jo le potapkam na ustnice. Je bolj rjavkasta rdeca, precej temna. Ni ena izmed moji najljub�ih.

Here is another swatch (my ancient one from mua), taken with flash (I think this one is better that the other two):

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