Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Deborah Atomic Red 09 and a Small Haul

I recently swatched most of the Atomic Red lipsticks from Deborah. This week I purchased a shade numbered 09. It a light pink with slight beige tones (on my lips almost a medium pink) with a cream finish. It's very creamy (unfortunately so creamy it settles in lines) and moisturising  It lasts long on the lips. The most similar shade I used to own is Jing-a-ling by Benefit, however this is a warm pink while Jing-a ling has blue undertones. It is also very similar to Runway pink by E.l.f., but 09 is darker.
Pred kratkim se swatchala vecino Deborinih Atomic Red �mink, sama sem kasneje kupila odtenek �tevilka 09. Je svetlo roza z nekaj be� toni z kremnim fini�em, zelo vla�ilna in precej obstojna. Na �alost je tako kremna, da se vsede v ''gubice'' ustnic, ampak je vseeno zelo dobra �minka v primerjavi z ostalimi za podobno ceno, ki se dobijo v Sloveniji. Od �mink, ki sem jih imela, je najbolj podobna Benefitovi Jing-a-ling in E.l.f.-ovi Runway pink (od slednje je temnej�a). Kupila sem jo v M�llerju za 8,59�.

In other news, I found a potential dupe for Mac's Hue lipstick (my favourite shade ever!). It's called True lip colour in shade 47 by Make up Factory (German high-end brand, I think it's only sold in M�ller). It's really, really similar. I think it about 14-15�, which is (if I remember correctly) cheaper than a Mac lipstick in Austria. I have pictures where I compared the two, but they turned out bad, so here a picture just with MUF 47.
Na�la sem nadomestek za Macovo Hue (moja najljub�a �minka ever) in to v M�llerju. Gre za True lip color �minko v odtenku 47 od Make up Factory. Je izjemno podobna Macovi Hue in �e cenej�a, kot ce bi jo �la kupit v Avstrijo, stane nekje 14-15�. Ko mi zmanjka Hue jo bom sigurno kupila.

I also purchased some falsies from Essence and a 15 ml bottle of Jean-Paul Grand fragrance called My Love purple.
Kupila sem �e par umetnih trepalnic od Essence in 15 ml steklenicko parfuma My Love vijola od Jean-Paul Grand.

I think My Love is the name of the collection of 4 fragrances (all are 15 ml). All were very nice (I might be purchasing another one), the light blue one is very similar to Miss Dior Cherie. The dark purple one that I bought is sort of similar to Marine Groove by Escada (my favourite fragrance). So far I've seen them only in M�ller. And they are really cheap, a mere 3� per bottle.
Kolikor mi uspelo videti je My Love neka kolekcija 4 parfumov (vsi po 15 ml), ne vem ce je omejena, sem jih pa videla v M�llerju. Stanejo po 3�, temno vijolicni, ki sem ga kupila je malo podoben Escadinem Marine Groove (moj najljub�i parfum). Svetlo moder se mi je zdel zelo podoben Miss Dior Cherie. Meni vsi zelo lepo di�ijo, mogoce kupim �e kak�nega.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Deborah Atomic Red Lipsticks

There's two types of Atomic Red lipsticks, one is a regular line (with 14 shades) and the other which consists of mat shades (7) is called Atomic Red Mat. The testers were a mess, the numbers were mixed up, some of the shades were missing, some had a different packaging, just really confusing. The only mat shade there was 09, but I have an older picture of mat shade 12, which is I believe a LE. The only shade that appeals to my taste is 09 (from the regular line, 2nd pic), it's a nice light to medium pink with a cream finish. 08 would be gorgeous, if it weren't frosty, but with all that frost it looks a bit cheap. I never owned a Deborah lipstick, but I am tempted to try 09 out. 12 (regular line) also looks nice. 01, 02 and 09 (mat) simply horrify me.

I hope these swatches are helpful.

Manhattan Perfect Creamy & Care Lipsticks

 8 of the 9 shades (54L, which is another brown shade, is missing), taken in sunlight:
Manhattan has two lines of lipsticks, one is called X-treme Last & Shine (which has a wider selection of shades), the other one is Perfect Creamy & Care. Aside from LE shade Rosewood, I never owned a Manhattan lipstick. So I decided to swatch them, to see if any shade appeals to me. Well I was a bit disappointed, from 9 shades available, only two were pink (one of those, 57D which is a really bright bubble gum pink, is not particularity wearable) and more than half of the line consist of brownish shades (I really dislike brown shades). Two remaining shades are a really bright orange (34N, completely unwearable) and a tomato red (45N) The only shade that I would consider worth buying is 56L, which is a lovely light pink shade. All of the shades have a frost finish. I hope these swatches are useful.

6/9 shades (pic taken in sunlight):
Taken in the shade:

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Oriflame Lipstick Swatches

I need some help with identifying these lipsticks. My cousin gave me these, she got them as samples of to her unknown lipstick. Does anyone recognize these? I've done some investigation and I suspect they're called Pure Colour lipsticks, but I'm not sure. The numbers are odd too.
Rabim malo pomoci. Namrec dobila sem te Oriflamove �minke od sestricne in ona ne ve tocno katere so. Sama sem �e gledala po novem katalogu in predvidevam, da so Pure Colour �minke. �tevilke so mi zelo cudne in spodaj na dnu �mink so informacije zelo skope. A jih katera prepozna?

These aren't particurlary moisturizing, however also not particurlary drying. The two frosty shades don't stay long, but the two creamy one's aren't so bad.
�minke niso ne vem kako vla�ilne, ampak tudi ne izsu�ujejo. 2 odtenka sta frosty in sta bolj malo obstojna, druga dva sta kremna, ta dva sta bolj obstojna.

00008 - is a frosty lavender, not that pigmented, actually really unflattering shade. I wouldn't recommed this one. Essence 01 Frosty is really similar./ Sivka s frosty fini�em, ni kaj prevec pigmentirana, v bistvu se na ustnicah vidijo le ble�cice. Meni zelo nev�ecen odtenek, Essence 01 Frosty je zelo podoben odtenek.

00011 - is a pale bubble gum frosty shade, again not that pigmented (but more than 00008). Not my cup of tea (I really dislike frosty shades), it's similar to NYX Harmonica/ svetlo roza s frost finishem, ne prevec pigmentirana (vseeno bolj kot 00008). Meni ni v�ec, je pa podobna NYX-ovi Harmonici.

00012 - is a bright pink but slighly peachy with cream finish. The most wearable of the four, a really pretty shade and my favorite. I'd definitely recommend this one./ roza s malo breskve, kremni fini�. Najbolj primerna za vsakdanjik in moja naljub�a.  Priporocam (ce ugotovite kateri odtenek v katalogu dejansko je :) )

00007 - a bright pink, the darkest of the bunch. My second favourite, perfect if you like something a bit brighter. Another shade I'd recommend./ �ivo pink in najtemnej�a od �tirih. Moja druga najljub�a, super ce imate radi bolj �ive barve (vseeno ni prevec �iva). Priporocam.

A Small Haul and Awards

  • Bioderma Sensibio make-up remover - I bought it after the recommenadation of the Pixiwoo sisters. It's a great make-up remover, that's not oil-based. It's really gentle, but removes make-up completely. / Super odstranjevalec, ki ni baziran na oljni osnovi (takih namrec ne maram). Je zelo ne�en  in temeljito odstrani ves makeup
  • Neutrogena Visibly Clear moisturizer
  • Tana eyelash curler - my absolute favourite eyelash curler/ Moje naljub�e. Prej sem imela na preizku�nji Manhattanove in so grozne. Te so super, problem je le, da nisem uspela najti rezerve gumice.
  • Essence crystal liner
  • Max Factor white eyeliner
  • Lipsmacker Coca-cola cherry - I adore lipsmackers, they are the most moisturizing lip balms I found so far. The scent of this one reminds me of Hubba Bubba Cherry bubble gums./ Absolutno obo�ujem lipsmackerje. So najbolj mastni balzami, kar sem jih na�la, plus da lepo di�ijo. Tale di�i po Hubba Bubba ce�njevih cigumijih. 

In other news I received my first blog award from the lovely Ulmiel from Did someone say nail polish blog (http://ulmiel.blogspot.com), you should check her blog out :D. The award has no particular name, but is meant for small blogs:

Post about this award and copy the rules. Link the person that had tagged you. Choose 3 - 5 Blogs you would like to tag and link them too. Leave them a comment on their blog that you've linked them.

Important: This award is for unknown blogs, so don't tag some 3000-Reader-Blogs! :)

So my blogroll is not particurlary long, but here are my choices:

Rehab for your make-up addiction - Gorgeous eye make-ups by a Slovenian blogger.

Hysteria of Decay - Another Slovenian blogger who post great nail polish swatches and her eye make-up looks.

Makeup&more - my recent discovery. A fantastic blog, really check it out.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Bourjois 3D Effet

These are a new addition to the 3D Effet line of glossess by Bourjois (here are pictures from their official fb page). I don't know if they're replacing the previous  3D Effet line. These have a brush applicator and they all contain heavy shimmer (except 18, which is a clear gloss). They seemed quite thick when I swatched them, they're advertised as being ultra glossy, which they are. 48 is very similar to 62 Rose gold from their 3D Max line.

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Max Factor Smoky Eye Effect

Yesterday I had the chance to swatch all 6 shades of the Smoky Eye Effect eyeshadows. Now I know these swatches are a bit lousy, but the weather has been really gloomy for weeks here, so I had to take the pictures under the artificial light. Well most of them are accurate except the second colour from the Purple dust duo, the colour is similar to Artdeco's # 245 eyeshadow (really lovely colour). I can't say much about the quality, but they're really pigmented and creamy, but they smudge easily, so I have doubts about their staying power. I suppose they're nice if you're a beginner or often in a hurry. These might not work well for people with oilier lids. Some of the colour combinations are a bit off (Citrus thunder, seriously) and some are really nice (Bronze haze, silver storm).

Vceraj sem poslikala Smokey eye effect sencila, ki so pri�la ta mesec v na�e drogerije. Kolikor mi je uspelo videti M�ller (Copova) ponuja le 4 barve, DM (Citypark) pa ima vseh 6. Slike so slabe, sonca ni od nikoder, zato sem slikala pod umetno svetlobo. Saj so kar natancni, mogoce je le pri Purple dust druga barva malo nenatancna, namrec je zelo podobna Artdecovi # 245 sencki. 

Glede kvalitete ne morem kaj dosti reci, so precej pigmentirane in kremne. Pomoje so ok za zacetnike ali pa ce se ti zelo mudi. Verjetno niso ravno najbolj�e za tiste z bolj mastnimi vekami, predvidevam da hitro zlezejo v gubo. Mogoce bi bile ok kot podlaga za navadna sencila. Osebno se mi zdijo nekatere kombinacije povsem zgre�ene (Citrus thunder naprimer je lol), druge so kar lepe (Bronze Haze, Silver Storm). Stanejo nekaj nad 10 evrov. Cover Girl ima podobna sencila (itak je Max Factor in CG ista firma) in baje se te palicke hitro zlomijo (sodec po ocenah na MUA).

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Manhattan Rosewood Lipstick and Some Other Swatches

This week Manhattan's Nude Couture LE finally reached Slovenia. I didn't plan to buy anything, but Rosewood caught my eye (obviously under the deceiving shop lights. When will I learn?). Rosewood is a beige-rose, it almost mimics my natural lip colour. When I swatched on my hand it looked more peachy, I was a bit disappointed when I tried it on my lips. It's really moisturizing and it has a wonderful vanilla pudding scent. I already gave it to my mom, who adores the shade. I believe it was around 6�. I have to say something about the packaging, which is quite unique with the zebra print, I like it a lot.
Nude Couture je koncno pri�la na na�e police. Nisem imela namena kupiti nicesar iz te LE, po pravici povedano se mi je zdela ena izmed bolj dolgocasnih, vseeno so me DM-ove luci spet zavedle in vzela sem �minko v odtenku Rosewood. Ko sem jo preizkusila na dlani je izgledala bolj breskova, ko pa sem jo doma nanesla na ustnice, me je odtenek kar malo razocaral. Je skoraj identicna barva kot moja naravna barva ustnic, nekako be� (te�ko je opisati tako barvo). Je pa zelo vla�ilna in di�i cudovito (in precej mocno) po vanilijevem pudingu. Sem jo �e predala mami, njej je stra�no v�ec. Meni se vseeno najbolj dopade embala�a, zelo unikatna z zebrinim potiskom. Stala je okoli 6�.

Lousy swatches of both Creamy nude lipstick from the collection:
Bolj bedni swatchi obeh �mink iz LE. V Ljubljani kar ni in ni sonca:

And some more Manhattan swatches. I can't remember if I named that last lipstick correctly. I really like Wet Flash lipgloss in 45D. Swatches from Innen und Aussen blog click (fantastic blog btw) look appealing, but I already have shade 52A and I have to say that the packaging really bothers me, it's really bad.
�e nekaj Manhattanovih glosov in �minka. Za �minko nisem prepricana, ce sem napisal pravi odtenek. �e nekaj casa mi je zelo v�ec Wet Flash glos 45D, na slikah iz Innen und Aussen bloga klik  (super blog) izgleda lepo, ampak �e imam odtenek 52A in moram reci, da je embala�a izjemno slaba.