Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

IsaDora Fanciful (Spring 2011) - Lipsticks and Blush Swatches

This collection has been out for quite a while. I must have passed the display a dozen times and never really looked at it. Well the visual alone repelled me. But recently Dazzledust25 did a rave video about the Glow stick blush and Pink parfait lipstick, so I finally checked this collection out. Jelly Kiss gel lipstick are completely new. There are four shades available (51 Bare bliss, 52 Rose blush, 53 Pink parfait and 54 Lilac tulle), they all look bright but the formula is sheer and glossy. I think they are very similar to their Cream gloss stylos.

Glow stick blusher in 10 Rose bud is a shimmery rosey-coraly shade. A light application doesn't give much colour, but more  of a highlighting effect, however this doesn't mean you need to use loads for it to show up. The formula is very creamy and easy to blend. It's a gorgeous shade for lighter skin tones, it really brightens the face, but it's also way to expensive for the amount you get (something like those blushes from Rose Garden collection by Alverde). Here it's a bit over 18� (Limoni), maybe it's cheaper somewhere else, at least I hope it is, I would love to have it.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Essence Stay With Me Lip Glosses

I already swatched and reviewed the shade 01 Me & My Ice Cream (click for review)). As I wrote in the previous post Stay with me is a new line of lip glosses by Essence. I am liking these more and more. I got another shade called 02 My favourite milkshake which on me looks way prettier than 01, just because it's more peachy. I also have my eye on 03 Candy Bar which is a coraly-red shade. These are really good glosses, especially for the price (around 2.5 �).

So here are the swatches of both:

I'm adding the swatches of shade 03 Candy Bar (coral) and 04 Trendsetter (raspberry)

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Haul - New Lip Products From Essence

First of is the new shade of lipstick called 53 All About Cupcake, which is a pink slightly peachy shade, a beautiful neutral, everyday colour. Local Muller didn't have Coralize Me yet which is one of the new shades and interested me most. Swatches of shades 44 and 45 can be found here.
Prvi na vrsti je nov odtenek �minke 53 All About Cupcake, ki je roza z nekaj breskve, res lep nevtralen odtenek za vsak dan. Najbli�ji Muller �e ni imel odtenka Coralize Me, ki se �e zanima od novosti. Slike odtenkov 44 in 45 lahko najdete tu.

Stay with me is a new line of lipglosses, with 7 new shades. They introduce a new for of applicator, which I personally am not a fan of, but it works just fine. 01 Me & My Milkshake is a milky pink shade and a dupe of Nivea's Milkshake lipgloss and E.l.f.'s Bubble Gum. Staying power is average, they're not sticky, all in all just an average lipgloss, for the price a great product. The range of colour is nice, 02 My Favorite Milkshake is very similar to this one, just slightly peachier. They have a nice, faint fruity scent.
Stay with me so novi lipglosi v 7-ih odtenkih. Imajo novo vrsto aplikatorja, meni se kaj pretirano ne dopade, ampak deluje ok. 01 Me & My Milkshake je svetlo roza odtenek, identicen Nivejinemu Milkshake (btw Nivejina licila grejo iz prodaje) in E.l.f.-ovem Bubble Gum. Obstojnost je povprecna, niso lepljivi, v glavnem povprecni glosi, super za ceno. V�ec mi je izbor odtenkov, 02 My Favorite Milkshake je zelo podoben temu, le bolj breskov. Imajo rahel sadni vonj.

Essence also introduced a new shade of a lipliner called Coral Nude. I also purchased a shade Cute Pink and I previously owned Soft Rose.
Essence ima tudi nov odtenek liplinerja imenovan Coral Nude. Kupila sem �e odtenke Cute Pink, �e prej pa sem imela odtenek Soft Rose.

Haul - New Products From Essence, Miss Sporty & Other

Essence recently released a lot of new stuff and bought a few. This haul will be featured in a two-part post.
Essence ima kar nekaj novih stvari, swatche bom objavila v 2 postih.

Essence released new liquid liners called Glam liner, it's available in 5 colours, I bought the colour called 05 Royal spendour which is a gold with shimmer (honestly my swatch doesn't, give it justice, it's way prettier in real life). They are quite pigmented and dry quite fast after that they don't smudge, staying power is ok. In my opinion a good product, you just can't beat the price.
Essence ima novo linijo linerjev, Glam liners, na voljo v 5-ih barvah. Kupila sem si zlat odtenek 05 Royal spendour, moj swatch mu dela krivico, je zelo lepe zlate barve v RL oz. tak kot se vidi v embala�i. So kar pigmentirani in se hitro posu�ijo, potem se ne zabri�ejo, kar je super. Obstojnost je kar v redu, meni je zelo v�ec, pa �e zelo poceni.

I also got 2 nail polishes, one is Miss Sporty 370, which is a lovely pinky-coral shade, with a really small shimmer (it's almost undetectable), the other is 53 You Belong to Me one of the new shaded from Essence. I love these light mint - teal shades, so I have quite a few. You belong to Me is a good dupe for Essie Mint Candy Apple, the latter is a touch more green in it, also I prefer the Essence one, just because it's so much easier to apply. Worlds Coolest is also very close, but bluer and sheerer, Party blue is much more blue than You Belong to Me.
Kupila sem tudi 2 laka za nohte, prvi je Miss Sporty 370, ki je cudovit koralno-roza odtenek z res drobnim �imrom (se ga skoraj ne opazi), drugi pa je 53 You Belong to Me, ki je eden izmed novih Essencevih odtenkov. Obo�ujem take svetlo turkizne odtenke, imam jih kar nekaj. You Belong to me je skoraj enak kot Essiejev Mint Candy Apple, slednji je le malenkost bolj zelen. Sicer mi je pa Essencev bolj v�ec, Essie-jevega je izjemno te�ko lepo nanesti. Worlds Coolest je tudi zelo podoben, le da je bolj moder in bolj prosojen, Party Blue je veliko bolj moder kot You Belong to Me. 
I ran out of my favourite body moisturizer Dove Body Milk, so I purchased a new bottle, I also got a Sun Dance self tanner, which is dirt cheap ( around 1,5�, available only in DM-s). I hate the classical self tanner scents, but I didn't expect this one to be any different and it isn't. When you apply it, it smells lovely, kind of floral fragrance, but in a few hours that self tanner scents develops. I love that it dries in minutes and the tan is not streaky.  I'm really pale and after first application the tan was quite faint but noticeable, after the second application the tan was quite dark, just right for me, I'm not looking for an extremely dark tan. For the price a great self tanner.
Zmanjkalo mi je mojega najljub�ega losjona, zato sem kupila novega (400 ml, M�ller za 3,99�), odlocila sem se �e preizkusiti Sun Dance-v samoporjavitveni spraj, ki je neverjetno poceni (okoli 1,5�). Sama ne maram tistega klasicnega vonja samoporjavitvenih krem, ampak za to ceno nisem niti pricakovala, da ga ta ne bi imel. Ob nanosu pa di�i kar lepo, nekako cvetlicno, na �alost se po nekaj urah razvije tisti vonj po samoporjavitveni kremi. Zelo mi je v�ec kako se hitro posu�i, v parih minutah in ker je spraj se ga da zelo enakomerno nasesti. Barva ni bila nic listasta, sama sem zelo bela in po prvem nanosu je bil ten bolj ne�en, po drugem zame �e dovolj temen. Za to ceno zelo dobra samoporjavitvena.

Swatches of lip products will be posted in the next post.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Make Up Factory True Lip Colour Lipsticks

Finally! A nice range of shades for a change. I like at least a half of the shades, all from 12 - 47 (without 28) are very nice and wearable colours. Make Up Factory is a high end brand available only in M�ller. These lipsticks cost 14,50 �. I bought the shade 47, which is very similar to Mac's Hue (my all-time favourite).
These are very nice. Quality wise I'd compare them to Mac's Glaze formula, not fully opaque but moisturizing, creamy and feel very comfortable on the lips. The shape of the lipstick is a bit odd, I don't really get the purpose of such shape. The packaging is very nice, a nice black, sleek, mat tube. Shade 47 is a light pink with peach tones, very similar to Hue by Mac, but Hue is lighter and has more pink in it. However once applied on the lips, the difference is negligible. I would imagine that on someone even a shade darker than me, you probably wouldn't be able to see the difference between the two. It doesn't have any particular scent, it's quite undetectable. Staying power is very similar to Mac's glaze formula, they last about 4 hours. These lipsticks contains jojoba in olive oil, vitamin C and E, and they're paraben and fragrance free.

Koncno ena linija �mink z dobrimi odtenki. V�ec mi je vsaj polovica, od 12 - 47 (brez 28) so zelo lepe in nosljive barve. So zelo dobre �minke, kvalitetne, zelo podobne Macovi glaze formuli. Niso polno prekrivne, imajo nekak�en kremen fini�, so kar vla�ilne, ampak niso mastne. Oblika �minke mi je misterij, je neka cudna prirezana oblika, katere namen mi ni jasen. Embala�a je super, zelo elegantna, mat, crna tuba, zelo kvalitetna. Odtenek 47 je svetlo roza z nekaj breskve, zelo podoben Macovi Hue, ampak Hue je bolj roza in svetlej�a. Vseeno ko jo nanese� na ustnice je razlika skoraj nezaznavna. Na nekomu, ki ima samo odtenek temnej�o polt kot jaz, se po moje razlike sploh ne bi opazilo. Nima kak�nega posebnega vonja, obstojnost je precej dobra, kak�ne 4 ure. �minke vsebujejo jojobino in olivno olje, vitamina C in E, ter so brez parabenov in di�av.

Haul + E.l.f. Lipstick Classy

I bought a couple of nail polishes this week. Both are from Essence, one is called Just Shout!, which is a orange-coral shade, the other is Choose Me!, which is a teal with shimmer. Swatches of Make Up Factory's lipstick will be posted shorty, but here are swatches of E.l.f.'s lipstick in the shade Classy, which my cousin gave to me (she dislikes the shade and feels a bit intimidated by a bit brighter colours :) )

Classy is a dark mauve pink with a mat finish. It's very thick (something like Barry M's lipstick), but it doesn't apply patchy. It's very pigmented, it stained my hand a little when I swatched it, so it is quite long lasting. It has a very sweet fruity-berry scent but mixed with plastic. The packaging looks very cheap and is of poor quality. If I compare them to Essence, which is in the same price range, E.l.f. one's are more opaque and last longer on the lips, the packaging of the Essence lipsticks is better and I still prefer them to E.l.f. one's. These cost 1,7 �. The swatch I made is very accurate, but bear in mind I'm very pale, so it might look lighter on you.
Classy je temnej�e roza barve z kar nekaj vijola tonov, ima mat fini�. To ni ena izmed lahko mazljivh �mink, vseeno pa se da lepo nanesti (v primerjavi z naprimer Barry M-ovo 147, ki je podobne teksture). Je zelo pigmentirana in kar precej obstojna. Ima nekak�en zelo sladek sadno-malinast vonj pome�an s plastiko. Embala�a je stra�no zanic in izgleda slabo narejeno. Ce jih primerjam z �minkami od Essence, so E.l.f.-ove bolj pigmentirane in bolj obstojne, ampak Essencove imajo bolj�o embala�o in manj vsiljiv vonj, osebno so mi �minke od Essence bolj v�ec.  E.l.f. �minke stanejo 1,7 �. Swatch zgoraj je precej dober, na meni izgleda tako temno. Vseeno pa imejte v mislih, da sem zelo svetla, tako da morda na vas ne bo izgledala tako temno.

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Max Factor Color Collection Lipsticks

The range of colours may be large, but none of the shades appeal to me. I actually bought one years ago, but I sold it within a week. It was the shade 640 called Soft Suede and it looked so much pinker and lighter under the deceiving shop's lights.These are very pigmented, in fact they stained my hand. Seriously not even with soap the colours didn't wash of completely. Most of the shades are frosty, which I profoundly dislike, I think only the red shades don't have any shimmer. The red shades (812, 820) are actually really pretty. I think this is the first time I've seen a copper shade of lipstick (which btw looks as horrible as it sounds), I doubt shades 770 and 775 look good on anyone (they marked them here as appropriate for darker skin tones). If you like really light, nude shades, you won't find any here, especially if you're as pale as I am. All in all another completely unappealing range of shades for me, but quality-wise I remember them being quite long lasting. If you like frosty lipsticks this just might be the range for you.

�e ena linija �mink, katere odtenki se mi niti pribli�no ne dopadejo. Enkrat sem celo eno kupila, sicer je bilo to leta nazaj, pa �e prodala sem jo skoraj takoj. Odtenek je bil 640 Soft Suede, ki je seveda izgledal kompletno drugace v trgovini pod mocnimi lucmi, kot v naravni svetlobi. �minke so zelo pigmentirane, dejansko mi jih �e z milom ni uspelo popolnoma odstraniti (rdeci odtenki se �e vedno poznajo na roki, pa je �e pol dneva mimo). Velika vecina odtenkov ima frosty fini� (kar mi ni niti malo v�ec), se mi zdi da samo rdeci odtenki (812, 820) nimajo nobenega (vidnej�ega) �imra, slednja odtenka sta meni zelo lepa. Izbor vsebuje tudi dva bakrena odtenka (770, 775), ki sta za moje pojme brca v temo, komu taka odtenka pristajata mi �e ni cisto jasno (sta pa oznacena kot primerna za temnej�e polti). Ce so vam bolj v�ec kak�ni svetlej�i odtenki, jih tu pravzaprav ni, �e posebej ce ste tako svetli kot jaz (640 je na meni izgledala zelo temno roza). Za moj okus kompletno brezvezen nabor odtenkov, kar se pa kvalitete tice se jih spomnim kot precej obstojne.

Here is an ancient picture of Soft suede, the packaging is quite nice:
I hope this post was helpful and thanks for looking!

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Latest Haul - Escada, L'Oreal and Bourjois

I love the sweet, fruity, summery LE fragrances from Escada (last years's Marine Groove is my favourite fragrance ever!). The most recent is called Taj Sunset and it smells like mangos, I adore it. Note include ''Alphonso mango, nectarine and blood orange as top notes, the heart features aquatic flowers with raspberry and pomarosa or Malay apple. The base consists of coconut, sandalwood and musk.'' (From Fragrantica.com). 

My L'Oreal Voluminous mascara dried up and I just hated the way the formula thickened towards the end. I had to wipe off a lot of the product from the brush, otherwise it would look like a disaster. So I bought a new mascara, this time Million Lashes with extra black formula. It's another one with a rubbery brush, which I prefer. I find it an average mascara, it works the same as all other mascaras with the plastic brushes (and I've tried almost all on the market, from HE to drugstore). It gives length and it defines the lashes, which is what I'm looking for. It a good daytime mascara, but if you're looking for volume try Voluminous instead. The brush is too big in my opinion, I manage to poke myself in the eye regularly when using it (the same thing happened to me with the False Lashes by Max Factor).

I've already posted the swatches of 3D Max line here and the swatch of 62 Rose gold, which I already used up. So here is the swatch of 61 Rose Acidul�. It a light to medium pink with a bit of coral tones. It's very shinny, but it doesn't contain a lot of shimmer like shade 62, here the shimmer is much more subtle. This swatch is the very accurate (I'm very pale btw, somewhere around NC 15).

Here's another swatch with Natural nymph by E.l.f. underneath.

Another comparison with Chanel RA Extrait de Gloss in 56 Imaginare. They are very close.
Thanks for looking!