Senin, 28 Februari 2011

February Favourites

Here are my favourite/most used products in February:
  • John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Conditioner - review can be found here, I love how the scent lingers for days.
  • L'Occitane Almond shower oil - (click for review) I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I just adore the scent of it.
  • E.l.f. Tinted Moisturizer - I just purchased it recently and I wore it almost every day in the last month. (click for review)
  • Benefit Coralista
  • Max Factor white eyeliner
  • Jemma Kidd highlighter in 01 Ice Gold
  • Mac fluidline in blacktracks
  • Mac lipstick in crem� cup
  • Nyx soft mat lip cream in Istanbul
In the last month I basically wore the same make up every day - a thin black line (with Mac's fluidline) on the top lash line, Max Factors white eyeliner in the waterline, mascara (I just bought a new one, Million lashes by L'Oreal), Tinted moisturizer by E.l.f. with some Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer, Coralista on the cheeks and Jemma Kidd's higlighter. On the lips I mostly wore NYX's Istanbul or Mac's Creme Cup.

Have a great day!

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Bourjois Effet 3D Max Lip Glosses

Next on my swatching list are Effet 3D Max lip glosses by Bourjois. I already owned and used up shade 62 Rose gold (swatches can be found here) and I recently bought shade 61 Rose Acidul� (I will post swatches of it in a few days). Shades 64 and 65 are missing, I guess they aren't sold here anymore, 64 is a beautiful red called Framboise ardent. These are very shinny but also very runny. They aren't sticky and because they are thinner than other run-of-the-mill glosses, they tend to bleed a bit. The applicator is unusual, it's a plastic spatula, I like it, some don't. Here they cost around 10-11�.
O teh glossih sem �e pisala, no vsaj o odtenku 62 Rose gold (slike in ocena so tukaj), ki sem ga �e porabila. Nedavno sem kupila �e odtenek 61 Rose acidul� (poslikala ga bom v kratkem), ki ga zanimivo kar dolgo nisem nikjer na�la. Ni mi uspelo najti odtenkov 64 in 65, kar je cudno saj so oba �e imeli. 64 Framboise ardent je zelo lep rdec gloss, takrat ko sem kupila odtenek 62, sem razmi�ljala tudi o nakupu 64. Ti glosi so zelo svetleci in nelepljivi, so namrec zelo tekoci, vcasih kar malo zdrsi z ustnic. Plasticen aplikator je precej nenavaden, meni osebno je v�ec ampak marsikateri ni. Stanejo okrog 10-11�.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Bourjois Sweet Kiss Lipsticks

I already swatched the Sweet Kiss Natural lipsticks and here are swatches of the regular Sweet Kiss line (the ones in the dark violet packaging). A couple are missing because they don't sell them here. I don't own any of the colour, I don't find any of them particularity appealing. If you're looking for a good tomato red lipstick 56 is a good choice. It's also the most pigmented of the bunch. 41 and 42 aren't as pigmented as the others and most contain light shimmer. The picture was taken outdoors in the sun like most of my pictures.
Slike Sweet Kiss Naturel �mink sem �e objavila, zdaj sem poslikala �e navadno Sweet Kiss linijo (s temno vijola pokrovckom). Drugje je na voljo 12 odtenkov, pri nas sem jih na�la 9. Sama nimam nobene Bourjoisove �minke, tako da ne morem podati ocene o kvaliteti, sicer pa mi noben odtenek ni kaj pretirano v�ec. Moti me da ima vecina odtenkov rahel �imer (najraje imam mat �minke, pac zgledajo najbolj naravno). Ce i�cete lepo �ivo, retro rdeco je 56 odlicen odtenek, je tudi najbolj pigmentiran v tej liniji. 41 in 42 sta najmanj pigmentirana, bolj pride do izraza �imer kot barva. Slikala sem na soncu, tako kot vecino mojih slik.

Hope these are helpful. Do you like any of the shade?
Upam, da vam ti swatchi kaj pomagajo. Je vam kak�en odtenek v�ec?

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

E.l.f. Haul

I only bought two product from E.l.f. this time, blush in Shy and their tinted moisturizer in Ivory.
Tokrat sem narocila le 2 stvari od E.l.f.-a, blush v odtenku Shy in obarvano kremo v odtenku Ivory (ocena v sloven�cini je pod drugo sliko).

I'm not a huge fan of foundations, I rarely use them all over the face, mostly I apply it only under the eyes and around the nose. Anyways I don't need much coverage in my opinion, so I've been on the look for a nice tinted moisturizer and I think I found a pretty good one. I like the fact that E.l.f. ones come in so many colours, Ivory is a perfect match for me (it's a tinted moisturizer anyways, so even if you take a shade darker or lighter it will probably still suit you). It's a quite thick cream, provides a sufficient coverage to even out the skin tone, however it's light enough that it doesn't cover freckles. If you layer it, it covers mild dark circles (not mine, mine are too dark). It doesn't clog my pores, I was a bit worried about that since it contains Caprylic/Capric Trigyceride. It leaves a very dewy finish, which is lovely, just not on my forehead which shines like a disco ball, so I powder it. It lasts quite long, I've been testing it for about a week now and it definitely lasted from 7 a.m. to at least 4 p.m. (I couldn't really check later, because the light was fading and I couldn't really see the actual state under the yellow artificial lights.). The scent is actually lovely (unlike their stick foundation) it's a nice orangey scent. The packaging is really small, which I like, because I intend to carry it around. Price wise it's really cheap, a mere 1,7� for 12g (strangely there's no info about ml) and it has an SPF 15. I like it a lot and I will definitely repurchase.

The blush is gorgeous, it's such a beautiful bright bubble gum pink. It gives a perfect pink flush and it is quite pigmented. It's my favourite pink blush and I have quite a few. I used to have another shade called glow (untill mom broke it :O ) and that one was gorgeous too. As all products from their regular line it costs 1,7�. The only thing I don't like is the packaging, the way it opens is a bit complicated (that's how my mom broke it, she was trying to open it unsuccessfully). Simply a brilliant product.

Ne maram kaj pretirano tekocih pudrov, zelo redko ga nanesem po celem obrazu. Vecinoma ga nanesem le pod oci in ob strani nosa. Itak se mi zdi, da ne rabim neke mocne prekrivnost, zato sem iskala eno dobro obarvano kremo in mislim, da sem jo na�la. E.l.f.-ovo sem vzela v odtenku Ivory, je odlicen odtenek zame (itak je obarvana krema, tudi ce vzame� odtenek presvetlo/pretemno, bo verjetno �e vedno v redu). Je kar gosta krema, lahko prekrivna, izenaci ten ampak ne prekrije na primer peg. Ce nanese� �e eno plast prekrije kak�ne rahle podocnjake (moje ne, moji so precej temni oz. rdeci �e od vedno). Meni ne ma�i por, ceprav me je Caprylic/Capric Trigyceride na 2. mestu zaskrbel. Pusti svetlec fini�, meni je v�ec, z izjemo na celu, ki se sveti kot disko kugla, zato nanesem puder v prahu. Zdr�i precej dolgo, testiram jo �e 1 teden in definitvno zdr�i od 7h do 4h popoldne (potem je �e te�ko kaj dobro videti, glede na to da je tu �e tema, rumenim lucem pa ne zaupam). Di�i zelo prijetno (za razliko od E.l.f.-ove podlage v stiku), nekako pomarancno. Tubica je zelo majhna (12g, podatka o ml ni), meni je to vsec, ker jo nameravam nosit okoli. Stane 1,7� in ima ZF 15. Mislim, da jo bom �e kupila, meni se zelo dopade.

Blush je cudovit. Je roza barve z hladnim podtonom, zelo pigmentiran in da cudovito roza rdecico. Definitvno moj naljub�i roza blush,. Vcasih sem imela �e odtenek Glow, dokler ga mami ni razbila, ko ga je posku�ala odpret, namrec ima dokaj glup in enigmaticen sistem zapiranja. Stane 1,7�, je pa dokaj majhen. Meni je briljanten izdelek.

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

My Favourite Brushes

Ulmiel from Did someone say nail polish?  requested me to do a post on brushes. I don't own loads of brushes, but these brushes are the ones I like to use the most.
Ulmiel iz Did someone say nail polish? me je prosila, da napi�em objavo o copicih. Nimam neke velike zbirke copicev,, ampak ti copici so samo tisti, ki jih najvec in najraje uporabljam. 

Eyeshadow brushes:
  • MAC 239 - I know this brush is included in almost every favourites and essential brushes posts, but yes it is that good. It's perfect for packing colour on the lid and under the bottom lash line just with the tip. If I'm really lazy, I even use it for blending. / Vem je bilo o tem copicu napisano �e ogromno, ampak je res tako dober. Odlicen je za nana�anje sencila na veko in pod spodnje trepalnice (ce nana�a� sencilo s konico copica). Ce se mi da vzeti 217 ali Round Crease copica, ga uporabim tudi za neko osnovno blendanje.
  • Mac 217 - The perfect eye shadow brush. It applies and blends the eyeshadow. However, it's a bit big for applying eyeshadow in my socket/crease (I don't even have much of a socket, since my eyes are hooded). I got mine on eBay./Perfekten copic, super za nana�anje in blendanje sencila, ampak je malo prevelik za nanos sencila v gubo. V Sloveniji se ga ne da kupiti, priporocam izlet v Gradec/Benetke ali pa nakup prek eBaya (ampak pazljivo, ponaredkov kar mrgoli).
  • Coastal Scents Round Crease - It's not really produced by CS. I believe these are massively produced in China and can be bought on eBay. It's a really good brush for applying the eyeshadow in the socket/crease, or highlight in the inner corner. I even use it to apply eyeshadow all over the lid and it's a good blending brush./ Zelo dober copic za nana�anje sencila v crease (gubo), ker je majhen in dovolj natancen. Primeren je tudi za nanos sencila v koticke ocesa in blendanje. Jaz ga uporabljam tudi za nanos sencila po celi veki. Ti copici so proizvedeni na Kitajskem in stanejo drobi�,  jaz sem jih kupila od Coastal Scents, ceprav tega trenutno ne najdem na njihovi spletni strani, sem ga pa na�la na Carodejki (klik).
  • Coastal Scents Lange Chisel Fluff - A decent eye shadow brush. It's a bit bigger than 239 and softer (which kind of annoys me). Good for applying the eye shadow and even for some basic blending./ �e kar dober copic. Je malenkost vecji od 239 in mehkej�i (mene to osebno moti), dober za nanos sencila po celi veki in za osnovno blendanje. Sama se ga kupila od Coastal Scents, isti copic se dobi �e marsikje drugje, sigurno na eBayu (vcasih je bil celo na Carodejki).
  • Ecotools Bamboo Eye Shading Brush - I't not that good for packing the eye shadow on the lid, it's simply too big. I use it for blending and applying a base colour all over. I even use this brush for contouring under the cheekbone (just to get the colour on. Then I blend it with a bigger brush). / Ni najbolj primeren za nana�anje sencila na veko (razen za neko osnovno nevtralno barvo) ker je prevelik, je pa super za blendanje. Jaz ga uporabljam tudi za sencenje pod licnico, pac da nanesem bronzer in potem z vecjim copicem zblendam. Ecotools se dobijo v vecjih Tu�ih, (Inter)Sparih in Leclercu.
  • Alverde Gel eyeliner brush - Fantastic brush. Very small,  precise and just perfect for applying gel eyeliner. And it's so cheap, just under 2�./ Odlicen copic, majhen in natancen, perfekten za nana�anje gel eyelinerja. Ne vem ali je pri nas �e vedno samo omejena kolekcija, ker v Nemciji je v stalnem sortimentu. Je pa zelo poceni, nekaj manj kot 2�.
  • Ecotools Bamboo angled eyeliner brush - For me it's a bit too big for applying gel eyeliner, however, it's great for applying a dark eyeshadow on the top lash line (even on the waterline, but it's almost a bit too big) and I suppose it works well as a brow brush./ Zame je malo prevelik za na�anje gel eyelinerja, je pa super za nanos temnej�ega sencila ob zgornje trepalnice in predvidevam, da je dober tudi za obrvi (sama se ne ukvarjam, kar pretirano z obrvmi). Ga pa prodajajo v Sloveniji.
  • Coastal Scents Angle liner brush - I find it difficult to apply gel eyeliner with this brush, but some like it. I rather use it to apply a dark eye shadow on the top lash line and waterline . It works perfectly for that. If you want your waterline really black, use a black eye shadow in the waterline. It stays longer than a regular eyeliner too. / Meni je te�ko nanesti gel eyeliner s tem copicem, nekaterim pa ta ustreza. Uporabljam ga za nanos temnej�ega sencila ob zgornje trepalnice in v waterline. Za  v waterline je super, ker je majhen. Ce �elite res temen liner okrog oci, nanesite crno sencilo v waterline, saj zdr�i dalje kot navaden eyeliner.

Face brushes:
  • Ecotools Bamboo Bronzer Brush - A brilliant brush, it's so soft and dense. I use it for powder and bronzer. It's a bit big for blush application, but it still works well if you don't have anything smaller. It's perfect for applying mineral foundation too. Oh, and it doesn't shed./ Odlicen copic. Je izjemno mehek ima zelo goste �cetine, dlake mu ne odpadajo, skratka super. Uporabljam ga za nanos pudra v kamnu in bronzerja, super je tudi za mineralni puder. Za blush je malenkost prevelik, vseeno ga nanese cisto ok, ce �e nima� nicesar manj�ega.
  • Bobbi Brown blush brush - I have the travel size. It a good blush brush, dense and it doesn't shed./ Moj je potovalne velikosti. Je dober copic za nanos blusha, vseeno bom morda kupila drugega.
  • E.l.f. Powder brush - This brush is really soft and dense, it doesn't shed and it's perfect for applying powder, mineral foundation and applying liquid foundation. / Zelo mehek, gost copic, ne izgublja dlak in je super za nanos pudra v kamnu, mineralnega pudra in celo tekocega pudra.

Copici na voljo v Sloveniji

Kar se tice izbire copicev v Sloveniji je bolj uboga. Po mojem mnenju najbolj�i (kombinacija kvalitete in cene) copici na na�em tr�i�cu so Ecotools. Na voljo so v vecjih Tu�ih, (Inter)sparih in Leclercu. Najbolj priporocam Bronzer brush, dobra sta tudi angled eyeliner brush in eye shading brush. Na voljo je �e copic za blush, powder brush in majhen copic za tekoci puder, ki jih sicer nimam, so pa precej pohvaljeni. Ce vam ga uspe najti je Alverdejev copic za gel eyeliner fantasticen. Spodoben copic za nanos sencila na veko je M�llerjev Body & Soul copic za sencila, meni je malenkost premehek in ima premalo �cetin ampak ce nimate dostopa do nicesar drugega je v redu. Se pa v spletnih trgovinah (tudi slovenskih) najde kar nekaj copicev, vendar z njimi nimam izku�enj.

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

How I Organize My Make Up

This is how I keep my make up organized for about a year now. Those are a set of 2 drawers, I bought them in Leclerc as well as the glass vase where I keep the brushes and one of the two mascaras I own.

My set of brushes and eyeliners (I hope the pictures aren't too big. Write in the comments if you think I should make them smaller):

Top drawer on the left holds blushes and highlighters:

Middle drawer on the left is for my two foundations, concealer and powder:

The last drawer on the left is filled with some of my fragrances and jewelry:

The top drawer on the right is actually a random drawer, but I put my naked palette there, because it doesn't fit in my palette drawer.

Palette drawer:

 Eyeshadow drawer:

 My lipstick and glosses are kept in small plastic ''cups'', these are from Bauhaus and come in various sizes.

And my modest nail polish collection and some lipsticks/lipglosses I don't like using.

I hope this post was at least a little bit useful. It's not a particularly big collection, but I alway like watching pictures of make up collections.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Mac & MNY Haul (Eyeshadows & Blush)

And here's the rest of my haul. 
MNY Blush 101- It's nice and pigmented when I swatched it with my finger, however no matter what brush I use it doesn't pick up any colour. So I just apply it with my fingers, it a lovely very natural looking blush with shimmer. In a way it gives that glow from within (providing you apply it with fingers), it combines a blush with a highlighter, but someone how's not as pale as me will probably use it just as a highlighter.

MNY 125 & 806A eye shadows - 806A is a part of a limited edition collection called I am a Material Girl, it a similar shade as 245 by Artdeco, a dark metallic green/gold. 125 is a part of their standard line and it's a shimmery beige shade. These are very pigmented and soft (but not as soft as the Artdeco ones) and they blend very nice. I tested 806A yesterday. I applied it a 7 AM (with just some foundation underneath) and by noon it only faded a little. When I checked again at 5 PM it has creased a little, but the colour was still intense enough. I have to say I'm impressed, it's really good for a drugstore eyeshadow, especially if I compare it to the Essence ones (they cost about the same).
Mac Mulch is a dark brown with gold shimmer velvet finish. I had tried it yet on my lids but it looks as a perfect colour for a dark brown smoky eye.

L'Oreal Perfect Clean - Doesn't it look like a completely gimmicky product? Buy I decided to give it a go and it's really not that bad. The formula is nice and thick, it removes all the make-up (apart from my black eyeliner) and that rubbery cleaning pad it actually very nice. It doesn't leave my skin tight, but the scent is a bit disappointing, it's just like regular soap.

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Mac & MNY Haul (Lipstick and Glosses)

Mac Creme Cup

Cr�me Cup is a light blue pink, it's a part of their cremesheen line. It's a very wearable, neutral everyday colour and with a very creamy, moisturizing formula. It has a signature Mac vanilla scent, I quite like it. What I don't like is the price tag. I got this one in Graz (Austria), where a Mac lipstick costs a whopping 18� (that's about 25$) and considering that the US customers pay only 14,5$ (or 10,5�), saying that it's overpriced is an understatement.

Mac Underage

Underage is a soft pale pink with subtle shimmer. As all Mac's lipglasses it's very thick and sticky, but stays on long. I love the colour, it's so pretty, I like it even more than Florabundance (however Jemma Kidd's Petal is still my favourite).
MNY 365

365 is a coral shade with golden shimmer, but not that pigmented. It has a really lovely sweet candy scent. The formula is quite thick and it's a bit sticky, but it's a suprisingly good gloss for the price (I believe it was about 2�). A great gloss for the price, especially if you compare it to other glosses in the same price range (looking at you Essence). They have a lovely range of shades, from the more demure shades to hot pinks. 

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

NYX Soft Mat Lip Creams

After being very impressed by Manhattan's Soft Mat Creams, I had to try the NYX version to. These are almost identical to Manhattan's, literally everything from the packaging to the vanilla ice cream scent is almost the same. The difference is in the range of shades, NYX offers 11 while Manhattan a mere 6. I got shade named Tokyo (a gorgeous light peachy pink, a bit bright, but still fantastic shade, loove it), Istanbul (another beautiful shade, a light dusty pink, slightly lighter than Manhattan's 56K but still very similar) and Addis Ababa (a bright fuchsia, in some lights it looks almost neon it's that bright. A fun colour but it's only for the bravest). As I said these are almost identical as Manhattan's, they are light creams, very pigmented, incredibly long lasting and don't move after they set. They are about 6$ which is cheaper than Manhattan's version which is (at least here in Slovenia) 6,95�. These are cruelty free and hypoallergenic. I love the names (Tokyo, Istanbul, Milan, Amsterdam,...), unlike Manhattan's which have the most boring names (56K, 45H,...).

Po tem ko sem bila neizmerno zadovoljna z Manhattanovimi Soft Mat Lip Cream �minkami/glosi, sem morala preizkusiti �e NYX-ovo verzijo. Ti so skoraj identicni Manhattanovim, vse od embala�e do vonja po vanilijem sladoledu je enako. Razlika je v �tevilu odtenkov, ki jih ponujajo, NYX jih ima 11, Manhattan pa le 6. Sama ima odtenke Tokyo (cudovita, svetlo, malo breskova pink, v �ivo je malo bolj �iv kot na sliki, meni je neizmerno v�ec), Istanbul (�e en cudovit odtenek, svetlo roza zelo podoben Manhattanovemu 56K le rahlo svetlej�i) in Addis Ababa (�iv fuksijast odtenek, zelo �iv skoraj neon v nekaterih svetlobah, je le za najbolj pogumne. Upala sem da bo malenkost manj �iv in bolj nosljiv, ampak to dobi� ce naroca� po spletu). Enako kot Mahattanovi, so nekak�ne lahke kreme, zelo pigmentirani, neverjetno obstojni in se ne premaknejo nikamor potem ko se posu�ijo. Stanejo okrog 6$, kar je ceneje kot Manhattanovi, ki so 6,95� (vsaj pri nas, baje da so v Nemciji 3,5�, lol). So cruelty free in hipoalergenski. Imena se mi zelo dopadejo, imenovani so po mestih (Tokyo, Istanbul, Milan, Amsterdam), v nasprotju z Manhattanovimi, ki imajo najbolj dolgocasna imena (56K, 45H). In �e en kup slik:

 Addis Ababa:

And here is a comparison between Istanbul (lower lip) and Manhattan's 56K (top lip). Istanbul is slightly lighter, but only slightly.
�e primerjava Istanbula (spodnja ustnica) in 56K od Manhattan-a (zgornja ustnica). Istanbul je malenkost svetlej�i.

How do you like these? / In kako so vam kaj v�ec?

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

January Favourites

So here are my favourites/most used products in January:

Bioderma Sesibio make-up remover - brilliant product, so gentle yet it removes all make-up. I don't know if it removes waterproof mascara because I don't own one. I love the fact that it's not greasy, it literally feels like water. Love it. / Odlicen odstranjevalec make-upa. Je zelo ne�en, obenem pa odstrani vsa licila (ne vem sicer kako se obnese pri odstranjevanju vodoodporne maskare, ker je nimam). V�ec mi je da ni masten, oljnih odstranjevalcev ne maram ker mi zameglijo vid, pri tem teh te�av nimam.

Most worn and loved lippies in the last month were Oriflame's unknown lipstick sample in 00012 (what useful info lol), mineral lipstick Runway pink by E.l.f. (gorgeous light mat pink) and Manhattan's Soft mat lip cream in 56K (lovely mat medium pink). / Najvec no�ene in najljub�e �minke v Januarju so bile Oriflamova neznana �minka (imam tester) v odtenku 00012 (dokaj neuporabna informacija), E.l.f.-ova mineralna �minka v odtenku Runway Pink (cudovita mat svetlo roza) in Manhattanova Soft mat lip cream v odtenku 56K (srednje roza).

Wedge eye shadow by MAC - I use it as a contour shade for my cheekbones, it's a perfect shade for my light complexion. I would love to find a bronzer in such colour./ To sencilo uporabljam za sencenje pod licnicami. Je ravno pravi odtenek za mojo svetlo polt. Rada bi na�la odtenek bronzerja, ki bi bil podoben temu.

Avon SuperShock gel eyeliner in black is fantastic. The blackest black I ever tried and it really stays long in the waterline. I also loved wearing Max Factors white eyeliner. I had a phase a couple of weeks ago when I was wearing white eyeliner with loads of mascara and light pink lipstick. Revlon Luxurious color in Antiqued gold has been in my collection for quite a while (a bit unappreciated I must say). I ''rediscovered'' it last week and I started using it as an all over colour. I just warm the tip a bit with a lighter to make it more creamy and apply it all over the lid. It a really great color to complement blue/grey eyes./ Najbolj priljubljeni linerji so Avon SuperShock gel eyeliner (najbolj crn liner kar sem jih na�la in noro obstojen), Max Factor White (sem imela fazo, ko sem nosila bel liner z veliko maskare in svetlo roza �minko) in zadnje ponovno odkritje z moje zbirke Revlonov Luxurious color v odtenku Antiqued Gold. Slednjega uporabljam kar po celi veki s tem da najprej konico linerja malo segrejem z v�igalnikom, da postane bolj kremen. Je odlicen odtenek za sive in modre oci.

L'Oreal Made for me naturals Blondes - I've been neglecting this palette. It has the most beautiful collection of neutral colours, I love how the darkest colour in the palette complements my eye colour and the lightest shade is a good highlighter. Love it. / Super paletka, ima cudovito kombinacijo nevtralnih sencil. Zgornji odtenek je za obrvi, jaz ga uporabljam kot navadno sencilo. Najtemnej�i odtenek odlicno poudari mojo barvo oci, najsvetlej�i pa je zelo lep highlighter.

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Haul - Hair Care and Dior Blush

I ran out of conditioners, so I bought a tube of my faithful Brilliant brunette conditioner by John Frieda and what seems to be a revamped Garnier Repair & Shine treatment. When I got home I noticed that they didn't revamp just the packaging, but also the formula. It's a bit thicker now, the colour is a bit darker, ingredients are basically the same, but the biggest difference are the added pieces of melting apricot (a gimmick if you ask me, feels odd when applying on the hair, almost like a scrub). However the effect is the same as with the old version, still an excellent product.

Zmanjkalo mi je balzamov, zato sem spet nabavila moj zvesti Brilliant Brunnete od John Frieda in Garnier Repair & Shine masko, kateri so spremenili embala�o in sestavo. Sestavine so pribli�no enake, je pa maska zdaj bolj gosta, malo temnej�e barve in ima neke (tako pi�e na embala�i) topljive delcke marelice (kaj je smisel njih mi ni jasno, je pa cuden filing ko nana�a� masko, nekako kot piling). Efekt je pa dejansko enak kot pri stari verziji, tako da ostaja na prestolu moje naljub�e maske.

I had a birthday last week, so my cousin got me a generous gift, namely Dior blush in the shade 829 Rose Drag�e. It's a really, really light pink, one side is mat, the other shimmery. I have a hard time for the color to actually show up (needs a couple of layers), but it gives a lovely light flush. It probably won't show up on people with medium and darker skin tones. The brush that comes with it is really bad.

Sestricna mi je za rojstni dan prinesla velikodu�no darilo Diorjev blush in odtenku 829 Rose Drag�e. Blush je zelo svetlo roza barve, polovica je mat, polovica pa ima ble�cice. Nanesti ga moram kar veliko, da se poka�e kaj barve, vseeno da lepo svetlo roza rdecico. Copic, ki je zraven, je res slab, grob in ima premalo scetin za kak�en bolj�i efekt.