Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Favourites in 2010

I'll start with skincare. So far my favourites are:

Neutrogena Visibly Clear 2 in 1 Wash & Mask 
I use it mostly as a mask, I do use it sometimes as a cleanser and I like it a lot. It's my favourite face mask, it makes my skin look so much healthier and it's really cheap for the amount you get.
Uporabljam jo vecinoma kot masko, redkeje za vsakodnevno ci�cenje. Kot maska mi je izjemno v�ec, ko�a izgleda veliko bolj zdravo po uporabi, pa �e poceni je za tako kolicino.

L'Oreal Exfotonic body scrub
 I finally found a decent scrub. The beads are big and it contains AHA acids. My HG scrub. 
Koncno sem na�la spodoben piling. Ima velika zrnca in vsebije AHA kisline. Super piling.
Love, love, love.

Dove Nourishing Moisture Beauty Body Milk
The only thing I found to be really moisturing, it leaves my skin so soft.
Edina stvar, ki je dovolj mastna da poskrbi za mojo suho ko�o na nogah. Ko�a je res mehka po uporabi.

Escada's Marine Groove
Marine Groove is a LE for this year and is gorgeous. My favourite fragrance ever. Notes are passionfruit, peony, jasmine and musk. I love the passion fruit in it. It's my signature summer scent.
Marine Groove je leto�nja Escadina LE. Moj najljub�i parfum ever. Note: pasijonka, potonika, jasmin in mo�u�. Pasijonka mi je izjemno v�ec, nosim ga poleti.

Calvin Klein Euphoria
Euphoria is my winter scent. Notes include pomegranate, lotus, black orchid, black violet, amber and musk. I get complimented a lot when I wear it.
 Pozimi uporabljam Euphorio. Note: granatno jabolko, crna orhideja, lotus, crna vijolica, jantar in mo�u�. Vedno dobim pohvale ko ga nosim. 

Lancome Color Ideal 
My favourite foundation, makes my skin look amazing. 
Moj najljub�i tekoci puder, naredi mojo ko�o izjemno lepo.

Bourjois Healty Mix concealer 
 Fantastic concealer, good coverage, smells nice, it's perfect for dark circles.
Cudovit korektor, zelo dobro prekriven, di�i cvetlicno, super za pod oci.

Maybelline Dream Mousse blush in Peach Satin 
In one word: gorgeous. Such a wonderful product, it really livens my face. 
Fantasticen blush, izgleda fantasticno na izjemno svetli moji polti. Res �koda, da se ga ne dobi pri nas.

E.l.f. Healty Glow Bronzing Powder in Luminance 
A great, cheap highlighter.
Super, poceni osvetljevalec.

Benefit Coralista 
Another beautful blush, simililar to Nars Orgasm, but slightly more coral.
�e en cudovit blush, podoben Narsovemu Orgasm-u, le da je bolj koralen.

Eye make up:
Palettes: Urban Decay Naked palette and Sleek Storm - both fantastic, beautiful neutral colours. I even use shade called Naked from the Naked palette as a countour./ Obe cudovite nevtralne paletke.
Individual eyeshadows: Mac Satin Taupe and Patina, ArtDeco 245 and Essence Smokey Eyes set in 02 Punky Vibe. - All fantastic for a neutral smokey eye, all are really flattering on gray-blue eyes. Essence set is great for a dark brown smokey look./ Cudovite barve za nevtralen smokey make-up, super za sive-modre oci. Essencov set je super za temnej�i rjav smokey make-up.
Eyeliners: Urban Decay Stash and recently Avon SuperShock in black - Stash is the same colour as Artdeco eyeshadow in 245 which is my favourite eyeshadow. Avon's eyeliner is the blackest eyeliner I found./ Stash je enake barve kot ArtDecova sencka 245 (ki je moja naljub�a). Avonov eyeliner je najbolj crn liner kar sem jih sprobala.
Random: Essence pure skin pure teint spot fighting duo - concealer is rubbish, but the liquid side for spot treatment is fantastic./ Korektor je zanic, ampak tekocina za mozolje je super. Sem ga kupila �e tretjic zapovrstjo.

Manhattan's Soft Mat Creams are discovery of the year (swatches and reviews are here, here and here)./ Odkritje leta, slike in ocene lahko najdete tukaj, tukaj in tukaj. �koda da ni vec barv.
Most worn lipsticks this years were Revlon Pink pout and E.l.f. Runway pink.
Mac Hue is my all-time favourite as is Jemma Kidd lipgloss in Petal.
Gosh Darling is the most flattering nude ever.

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliners

I ordered a couple of things from Avon: two SuperShock gel eyeliners in black and plumful. The black one is absolutely the blackest eyeliner I ever tried and it has  fantastic staying power. It literally doesn't budge after it dries, which takes about half a minute, but blends nicely before it dries. Plumful is a nice plum colour, also very pigmented and soft, but the black one's performance is more impressive in my opinion. I seriously recommend these, however I heard these aren't the most suitable for contact wearers.

Narocila sem nekaj stvari preko Avona in sicer 2 SuperShock gel eyelinerja v crni in slivovi barvi imenovani Plumful. Crn je absolutno najbolj crn eyeliner kar sem jih imela in je neverjetno obstojen. Ko se posu�i, kar traja kak�ne pol minute, ga ne more� zbrisat z navadnim robckom (�e z vla�nim ga je zelo te�ko). Plumful je tudi zelo mehek in pigmentiran, vseeno mi je crn ljub�i. Oba res priporocam (crn je a must), sem pa sli�ala da niso najbolj�i za uporabnice lec, menda se primejo na lece.

Swatches of the two. The second picture is after I tried to remove it with a tissue (about a minute after I applied it).

Swatchi obeh. Na drugi sliki se ju slikala potem, ko sem ju posku�ala odstraniti z robckom (potem, ko sta se posu�ila). Crnega je treba hitro zabrisati, �e preden se posu�i, ce �elite bolj mehko crto.

Another thing I ordered was Clear Skin Pore Penetrating scrub, which I used to have in the old formulation, which was in my opinion way better than the new one. It smells minty,  the beads are medium sized (old formulation has bigger beads, which I loved). Still a decent scrub, I like it.

Druga stvari, ki sem jo narocila je Clear Skin Pore Penetrating piling. Vcasih se ta piling imela �e v stari embala�i, preden so prenovili celo kolekcijo, in mi je bil tisti bolj v�ec. Di�i mentolasto, je tudi take barve, zrnca so srednje velika (stari je imel vecja zrnca in mi je bil zato bolj v�ec). Vseeno je zelo dober piling, meni je v�ec.

And my yesterday's purchase L'Oreal Color Riche Serum in S100 Satin Pink. I already swatched this one a couple of month ago (swatches can be found here). It's really moisturizing, has good pigmentation, staying power is ok (but it can't compare to Manhattan's soft mat creams), but it's to expensive for drugstore lippie (12,5�).

Vceraj sem si koncno privo�cila �e L'Oreal Color Riche Serum in S100 Satin Pink. To �minko sem �e slikala na ustnicah, slike so tukaj. Je pa precej vla�ilna, dobro pigmentirana in nekje srednje obstojna (Manhattanov-i Soft Mat Cream-i so mi dvignili standard :) ). Je kar draga, stane 12,5�.

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Haul - Manhattan and Alverde

Manhattan Soft Mat Cream in 54L

I couldn't resist buying another one of Manhattan's Soft Mat Creams. I just adore them (I previously raved about them here and here). So here are swatches of 54L, which is a dusty rose colour. Isn't it gorgeous?

Nisem se mogla upreti, da ne bi kupila �e enega izmed Manhattan Soft Mat Cream-ov. Obo�ujem jih, o njih sem pisala �e tukaj in tukaj. Evo �e slike odtenka 54L, ki je temno roza. A ni lep?

Alverde Gel-Eyeliner 046  Mareike

Alverde recently released LE called My Best Friend which includes several gel eyeliners, lipsticks, eyeliner brush and eyeshadow palettes. I bought eyeliner brush (second one, I like this brush a lot) and eyeliner in the shade 046 Mareike, which is a petrol blue. Consistency is really weird, hair gel like. I hard to apply it nice. I thought the staying power will be an issue, but it drys fast and it stays on reasonably well. The colour is so pretty, but if I knew what the consistency's like, I probably wouldn't buy it.

Alverde je pred kratkim postavil na police novo omejeno kolekcijo imenovano My Best Friend, ki vsebuje gel eyelinerje, �minke, paletke s sencili in copic za eyeliner. Kupila sem �e drugi copic (meni je zelo v�ec) in gel eyeliner v odtenku 046 Mareike, ki je petrolno modre barve. Je pa zelo cudne konsistence, nekako tak kot gel za lase. Ravno zato sem sumila, da ne bo obstojen, pa se zacuda hitro posu�i in tam tudi ostane. Vseeno je te�ko naredi lepo crto. Barva je lepa, vseeno pa ga verjetno ne bi kupila, ce bi vedela kak�en je. 

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Manhattan Soft Mat Lipcreams

I already raved about these lipcreams, which are amazing. They feel like liquid lipsticks, are very pigmented, and dry mat. I recently purchased shade called 53M, which is peachy-pink. Swatches of 45H and 56K can be found here. Today I swatched all 6 colours available together and I think I'll also buy 54L. They are about 6-7� and are quite heavily scented, the smell like vanilla ice cream.
V eni izmed prej�njih objav sem �e govorila kako obo�ujem Manhattanove Soft Mat Lipcream-e (slike odtenkov 56K in 45H so tukaj). So kot tekoce �minke, zelo pigmentirane in prekrivne, posu�ijo se mat. Nazadnje sem kupila �e odtenek 53K, ki breskove barve. Na voljo je 6 odtenkov (spodnja slika), mislim da bo kupila �e odtenek 54L. Stanejo nekaj cez 6�. So zelo odi�avljeni, meni di�ijo po vanilijem sladoledu.

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Manhattan, Lush, L'Occitane

Manhattan Magic Duo eyeshadow in Chrystal Plum is a part of LE called Diamonds are a Girls... I love, love, love the darker colour (darkened plum) and they are both really pigmented, but staying power is incredibly poor (no matter what I use underneath). It starts fading so fast, what a pity. The plum eyeshadow is matte, the lighter pinkish eyeshadow has some sparkles.
Sencilo je del Manhattanove omejene kolekcije imenovane Diamonds are a Girls... Temnej�a, slivova sencka mi je izjemno v�ec, vendar pa kljub temu da sta precej pigmentirani, sta zelo neobstojni in hitro zbledita, pa ni va�no kaj uporabim pod sencko. �koda. Temnej�a sencka je mat, svetlej�a ima nekaj ble�cic.

I went to Lush a couple of week ago, because I really wanted one of their bubble bars. I chose the one from their Christmas collection. It's called Candy Cane in it smell exactly as the Snow Fairy shower gel and Cream Candy bubble bar (smells something like a bubble gum). I wanted to make the most of it, so I cut it in 4 pieces. I used one when I took my bath and it turned out that was simply to little, there was almost no foam. I guess you can't really can't be stingy with this one.
Nekaj tednov nazaj sem obiskala Lush, ker sem si res za�elela eno izmed njihovih penecih kopeli. Vzela sem Candy Cane iz bo�icne kolekcije in di�i enako kot snow Fair tu� gel ali Cream Candy peneca kopel (nekako po cugimijih). Hotela sem jo imeti za cim veckrat, zato sem jo narezala na 4 dele, pa se je izkazalo da cetrtina ni dovolj. Pene je bilo zelo malo, drugic bom uporabila vec. �koda, ker je precej draga, ce jo ima� lahko samo za 2x.

L'Occitane Almond Shower oil is one of my favourite products of all time. The scent is absolutely gorgeous, I can't help myself not sniffing it all the time. Oh, if only there was a fragrance with such scent. Too bad it's so expensive (16,50 �), but it's worth every cent. It's an oil that when applied on wet skin, transforms into a thick foam. The scent lingers on the skin for quite some time, I do still smell it in the morning.
L'Occitanovo mandljevo olje za tu�iranje je eden izmed mojih najljub�ih izdelkov ever. Di�i absolutno bo�ansko, ne morem ga nekah ovohavat. �koda, da je tako drag (16,50�), ampak je vreden vsaj zaradi vonja. Olje se spremeni v gosto peno, ko ga nasemo na mokro ko�o. Vonj se obdr�i kar nekaj casa.

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Ombia Multicolored Rouge

I found it in Hoffer. Of course I didn't expect much, Hoffer is not renouned for high quality make up, but I like this blush. Swirled together looks a bit sheer, more of a highlighter type blush, but if I use only the darkest colour (which is really pigmented) it gives me a lovely peachy flush. The middle colour is an average highlighter, the bottom colour is a good subtle blush, but only if you're really pale. Packaging is surprisingly good, you get a decent sized mirror and a powder puff (which is of no use). Price was 3,99�, but it's limited edition.

Tale blush sem na�la v Hoffer-ju (mami me vedno heca, da sem zmo�na mejkap �e v Bauhausu najti, lol), seveda nisem pricakovala kaj dosti. Ce uporabim vse barve skupaj izgleda bolj kot osvetljevalec in ne kot blush, ce pa uporabim samo zgornjo, najtemnej�o barvo (ki je precej pigmentirana) dobim cudovito, breskovo barvo. Srednja barva je nekako povprecen osvetljevalec, spodnja barva je dober, svetel blush, ampak le za sneguljcice. Embala�a je presenetljivo dobra, zraven je ogledalo in gobica. Stal je 3,99�, ampak je LE.

A comparison with Nars Deep throat, sorry for the bad quality, the sun was already setting. Last picture is me wearing just the darkest colour.

Primerjava z Narsovim Deep throat. Se opro�cam za slabo kvaliteto, sonce je �e zahajalo. Na zadnji sliki nosim le najtemnej�o barvo.

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

My Current Hair Care

I have long, curly, dry, stubborn hair that hate rainy days and give me much trouble with trying to tame them (usually my only weapons are hair straightener or curler). I also have severe dandruff for some time now. I tried much of the products  available here in Slovenia, from Oronazol , Fitoval (neither of the two was particularity effective), Vichy (the old packaging, worked very well for the first time, but didn't work the second time I purchased it), Lavera Cornflower (horrible, my scalp itched like crazy after using it, plus it really stinks, a very annoying herbal smell) and the list continues on and on.  I purchased Ducray Selegel for dry dandruff 6 weeks ago and I just finished the treatment. It worked ok, it's not miraculous but it's a significant improvement in terms of sensitivity of the scalp, however dandruff is still here. It's recommended to continue the treatment with Ducray Elution, which I used once so far, so I can't review it fully.
Imam dolge, zelo suhe, kodraste lase, katere je skoraj nemogoce ukrotiti brez uporabe ravnalca ali kodralnika. �e posebej imajo radi de�evno vreme, takrat imajo frizz party, lol. V zadnjih letih imam ogromne probleme s prhljajem. Poskusila sem ogromno �amponov na voljo v Sloveniji od Oronazola, Fitovala (oba precej neucinkovita), Vichy (staro pakiranje, ta je pomagal prvic, ko se ga uporabljala, ko sem kupila drugo pakungo efekta ni bilo vec), Lavero plavica (grozen, lasi�ce me je grozno srbelo po uporabi, pa �e njegovega zeli�cnega vonja ne prena�am najbolje), itd... �est tednov nazaj sem kupila Ducray Selegel za suh prhljaj in sem ravnokar zakljucila s kuro. Je kar efektiven, ni sicer cude�en, je pa precej�no izbolj�anje kar se tice obcutljivosti lasi�ca, samo prhljaj ni izginil. Priporoceno je nadaljevati  z �amponom Elution od iste znamke (do zdaj sem ga uporabila le enkrat, tako da kak�ne konkretne ocene ne morem podati).

 My favourite conditoners/masks/treatments are: 
TBS Honey Conditioner � My absolute favorite, very moisturizing and effective. Gorgeous sweet smell (marzipan?). Of course they discontinued it, plus it wasn't available here in Slovenia, since we don't have TBS. /Moj najljub�i balzam. Super nahrani lase pa �e di�i lepo (mogoce po marcipanu?). Seveda je �el iz prodaje, itak se ga pa ni dalo kupiti v Sloveniji. 
Fructis Oil Repair mask � I think I repurchased it four times in an row by now. Great mask, again very moisturising, nice fruity smell. Really lovely product./ To masko sem kupila �e 4. zapored. Ena izmed najbolj�ih mask, je zelo hranilna, di�i enako kot vsi fructisovi izdelki �sadno. Res super za svojo ceno 
      John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shine Release conditioner  � I discovered this conditioner a couple of months ago and I recently purchased a second bottle. I haven't noticed any extra shine or even that it would enhance my hair colour, but the hair feel very silky after using it. The scent reminds me of a mixture of coconut and a generic shampoo scent. / Ta balzam sem prvic kupila nekaj mesecev nazaj, zdaj imam �e drugo tubo. Po njem so lasje zelo svileni, nisem pa opazila kak�nega posebno mocnega sijaja ali pa da bi poudaril barvo las (kot trdi proizvajalec), meni je vseeno zelo v�ec. Vonj me spominja na me�anico kokosa in nekega tipicnega vonja �amponov.

For my ends I currently use Orofluido, a silicon-oil, which contains argan, cyperus and linseed oil. It's heavily scented, but I can't smell it anymore the next day on my hair. It's an oriental scent with most prominent notes amber and vanilla. It looks really luxurious and it quite greasy. The amount you receive is huge, the bottle holds 100ml, which lasts you a long time. It a decent products, one of the better ones I tried.

Za konice trenutno uporabljam Orofluido, ki ne nekak�na me�anica olj (vsebuje arganovo, cyperusovo (ne cipresino) in lanenino olje) in silikonov. Di�i parfumsko, orientalski vonj baziran na jantarju in vaniliji,  jaz vonja drugi dan ne zaznam vec na laseh. Je precej mastno in gosto, super za moje suhe lase. Kolicina je ogromna, steklenicka vsebuje 100 ml izdelka, kar traja kar nekaj casa. Olje mi je kar v�ec, je eden izmed bolj�ih silikonov, ki sem jih preizkusila. 

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Nars Lip Lacquer Chelsea Girls and DiorKiss Cotton Candy

I almost forgot I have this lacquer, probably because I never really liked it much. I'm not that bothered by the fact that it comes in a pot, I apply it with a TBS lip brush. The problem is the consistency, which is very thick and tacky. Another problem is the colour, I expected it to be more nude (however I am very pale), it looks to beige-brown on me. The scent is kind of plasticky, but not overpowering.
Skoraj sem pozabila da imam tale gloss, verjetno zato ker mi nikoli ni bil povsem v�ec. Dejstvo da je v loncku me ne moti prevec, nana�am ga z copicem iz The Body Shop-a. Zelo me moti, da je gost in lepljiv, pravtako mi ni v�ec barva, pricakovala sem svetlej�o nude, na meni pa izpade bolj be�kasto-rjavo (sem zelo svetla). Di�i nekako plasticno ampak vonj ni pretirano intenziven. 

And another swatch of an ancient DiorKiss gloss (it's long discontinued). It's one the most shimmery glosses I own (shimmer gets everywhere), it's really sticky and it smells like grapes.
�e en swatch DiorKiss glosa (ki je �el �e davno iz prodaje). Je eden najbolj ble�cicastih glosov v moji zbirki, je zelo lepljiv in di�i po grozdju.

And some pictures of my new lipstick/gloss bag that my mom brought. It just to be a first aid kit (with nothing much left), so I found a new use for it.
�e nekaj slik moje nove torbice za �minke in glosse. Vcasih je bila za prvo pomoc, samo notri ni vec kaj dosti ostalo, zato sem jo porabila malo drugace.